对 Umansky 和 ​​Cohen (1980)“麦卡锡筛查测试中的种族和性别差异”的批判性评论

时间:2021-06-29 22:11:07
文件名称:对 Umansky 和 ​​Cohen (1980)“麦卡锡筛查测试中的种族和性别差异”的批判性评论
更新时间:2021-06-29 22:11:07
学术 论文 A critical comment on Umansky and Cohen's (1980) "race and sex differences on the mccarthy screening test" Psyrho1ogy in the Schools 1981. 18. 369-371 A CRITICAL COMMENT ON UMANSKY AND COHEN’S (1980) “RACE AND SEX DIFFERENCES ON THE McCARTHY SCREENING TEST” NADEEN L. KAUFMAN Foster G. McGaw Graduate School, National College of Education Several reasoning errors and methodological flaws in Umansky and Cohen’s in- vestigation of race and sex bias in the McCarthy Screening Test were p
