Language variables related to reading ability of children with verbal deficits

时间:2021-06-29 20:12:10
文件名称:Language variables related to reading ability of children with verbal deficits
更新时间:2021-06-29 20:12:10
学术 论文 Language variables related to reading ability of children with verbal deficits LANGUAGE VARIABLES RELATED TO READING ABILITY OF CHILDREN WITH VERBAL DEFICITS LYNN C. RICHMAN Uniyersity of Iotw Thie study examined verbal reception and verbal mediation skius of children with low verbal/high perfoimanoe WISC profilm. Of apeci6c inteaeet was the identification of poesibfe aourcp~ of languaee impairment and the reletionship between language vsrieblee and readmg echievement. E' -five child
