WISC-R 情绪障碍模式和诊断效用

时间:2021-06-29 18:57:19
文件名称:WISC-R 情绪障碍模式和诊断效用
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:57:19
学术 论文 WISC-R patterns of emotionally impaired and diagnostic utility Psychology in rhe Schools Volume 20, Orlober. 1983 WISC-R PATTERNS OF EMOTIONALLY IMPAIRED AND DIAGNOSTIC UTILITY HARVEY F. CLARIZlO A N D VALERIE VERES Michigan Slate University School psychologists, in their search for objective data, have relied on the use of Wechsler patterns to diagnose emotional impairment in children. Previous studies in- dicate that two such patterns-Verbal-Performance discrepancy and high Sim
