WISC-R 上针对弱智儿童和青少年的性别差异

时间:2024-07-19 13:18:34

文件名称:WISC-R 上针对弱智儿童和青少年的性别差异



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:18:34

学术 论文

Sex differences on the WISC-R for retarded children and youth Patterns of Perceptual Deficits 27 H.AYPP, 1). L., & PLUMMEX, B. A. Auditory processing dysfunctions and impaired learning. Learniicy Disabilities: An. Audio J o u m l for Con,tinuing Education., Vol. 1, No. 7. New York: Grune & Stratton, July, 1977. REITAN R., & DAVISON, L. Clin.&l n.europsycholngy: Cwrewt sfntur and applicatinris. New York: Wdey, 1974. RHODEB, F. Rhodes WISC Scatler Profile. San Iliego: Educat,ional and
