A brief screening battery for predicting school achievement at ages seven and nine years

时间:2024-07-19 13:11:56

文件名称:A brief screening battery for predicting school achievement at ages seven and nine years



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:11:56

学术 论文

A brief screening battery for predicting school achievement at ages seven and nine years Psycholory in the Schools 1980. / I . 340-346 A BRIEF SCREENING BATTERY FOR PREDICTING SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT AT AGES SEVEN AND NINE YEARS ROBERT FRIEDMAN Southern Calfjornia Permanente Medical Group JOHN H. FUERTH ALAN 8. FORSYTHE Panorama Clty Medical Center This article describe8 the development, utilization, and evaluation of an early screen- ing battery for predicting school success or fai
