文件名称:由经验丰富和缺乏经验的评委对 WISC-R 理解、相似性和词汇React进行评分
更新时间:2024-07-19 15:38:52
学术 论文
Scoring of WISC-R comprehension, similarities, and vocabulary responses by experienced and inexperienced judges SCORING OF WISC-R COMPREHENSION, SIiVlILARITIES, AND VOCABULARY RESPONSES BY EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED JUDGES GARY G. BRANNIGAN, LESLIE A. ROSENBERG, LOUIS J. LOPRETE, AND TERRENCE CALNEN Slate University of New York, College at Plattsburgh Ten judges scored items from the Comprehension, Similarities, and Vocabu- lary subtests of the WISC-R. Five were inexperienced u