WISC、WISC-R、SB L&M、WRAT:被转介进行心理评估的 6 至 10 岁儿童之间的关系和趋势

时间:2021-06-29 21:35:34
文件名称:WISC、WISC-R、SB L&M、WRAT:被转介进行心理评估的 6 至 10 岁儿童之间的关系和趋势
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:35:34
学术 论文 WISC, WISC-R, S-B L&M, WRAT: Relationships and trends among children ages six to ten referred for psychological evaluation WISC, WISC-R, S-B L&M, WRAT: RELATIONSHIPS AND TRENDS AMONG CHILDREN AGES SIX TO TEN REFERRED FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION CLARENCE RAE *S Belleville, Ill. Area Special Edumtion District Thirty children ages 6-10 were selected who had been referred for ps cho- logical evaluation from the public schools. WISC-R was significantly rower than WISC FS IQs and sim
