volume-rendering:用 C++ 实现的体积渲染(光线投射)

时间:2024-08-24 15:02:58

文件名称:volume-rendering:用 C++ 实现的体积渲染(光线投射)



更新时间:2024-08-24 15:02:58

graphics rendering computer-graphics volume-rendering raycasting

Volume Rendering 纯 C++ 实现 Raycasting 实现的 Volume Rendering 算法。 数据下载 一份 CBCT 数据,在 下载并放入 文件夹下。 基本知识 看不了公式可以访问 HTML 页面: Raycasting is not the same as raytracing! Raycasting is a fast semi-3D technique that works in realtime even on 4MHz graphical calculators, while raytracing is a realistic rendering technique that supports reflections and shadows in true 3D scenes, and only recently computers became

--------Real-Time Volume Graphics.pdf(26.39MB)
--------Data visualization. Principles and practice by Telea A. (z-lib.org).pdf(21.68MB)
