Goldstein, AP, & Glick, B., 与 Reiner, S., Zimmerman, D., & Coultry, TM (1987)。 攻击性替代训练:针对攻击性青年的综合干预。 伊利诺伊州尚佩恩:研究出版社,366 页,[美元]16.95(论文)

时间:2024-07-19 13:24:51

文件名称:Goldstein, AP, & Glick, B., 与 Reiner, S., Zimmerman, D., & Coultry, TM (1987)。 攻击性替代训练:针对攻击性青年的综合干预。 伊利诺伊州尚佩恩:研究出版社,366 页,[美元]16.95(论文)



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:24:51

学术 论文

Goldstein, A. P., & Glick, B., with Reiner, S., Zimmerman, D., & Coultry, T. M. (1987). Aggression replacement training: A comprehensive intervention for aggressive youth. Champaign, IL: Research Press, 366 pp., [dollar]16.95 (paper) Book Reviews 205 a supportive family during childhood, (b) special attention to their learning problems in school, (c) conditions of high employment when they were ready to enter the labor market, and (d) marriage to spouses of higher ability who in turn were
