软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

时间:2025-02-08 10:03:20




  • 1.点开Eclipse的官网,并下载。

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

  • 2.解压并安装JAVA环境


软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

  • 3.配置环境变量

    编辑->变量名"Path",在原变量值的最后面加上 ;D:\JAVA\bin;D:\JAVA\jre\bin
    新建->变量名“CLASSPATH”,变量值 ;D:\JAVA\lib;D:\JAVA\lib\dt.jar;D:\JAVA\lib\tools.jar

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

  • 4.确认环境配置是否正确

    在控制台分别输入java,javac,java -version 命令:

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)



  • 1.自学写了一个小程序,就是用来求两个数中的最大值。


    package dog;
    public class SubArray {
    public int max(int x,int y){
    if(x > y)
    return x;
    return y;

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

  • 2.学习写自动单元测试


    package dog.test;
    import dog.SubArray;
    import junit.framework.TestCase;
    public class TestMaximun extends TestCase{
    public void testMax(){
    int x = 1;
    int y = 2;
    int z = -1;
    SubArray sub = new SubArray();
    int result1 = sub.max(x,y);
    int result2 = sub.max(y,x);
    int result3 = sub.max(z,x);
    assertTrue(result1 == y);
    assertTrue(result2 == y);
    assertTrue(result3 == 1);

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

  • 3.JAVA中使用Junit的方式:

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

  • 4.测试结果

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)

软件工程第二次作业(One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.)


One who wants to wear the crown, Bears the crown.