文件名称:天才和学习障碍纳瓦霍人的 WISC-R 表现背后的认知过程
更新时间:2024-07-19 12:28:41
学术 论文
Cognitive processes underlying WISC-R performance of gifted and learning disabled navajos Nonverbal Ability 31 FURTH, H. (1973). Deafness and learning: A psychological approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. GIANGRECO, C. J. (1966). The Hiskey Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude (Revised) compared to several achievement tests. American Annals of the Deaf, 8, 566-577. HIRSHOREN, A., HURLEY, 0. L., & KAVALE, K. (1979). Psychometric characteristics of the WISC-R Per- formance Scale with deaf chi