评估 WISC-R 变化分数

时间:2024-07-19 13:28:25

文件名称:评估 WISC-R 变化分数



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:28:25

学术 论文

Evaluating WISC-R change scores 154 Evans of 9.2 points required for significance. The evaluator concludes that the discrepancy is nonsignificant, common (occurring in more than 22.7% of a normal population), and not severe. If the student had obtained a lower reading comprehension score, e.g., 80, the 14-point discrepancy would have been interpreted as significant at both .05 and .01 levels, occurring in less than 14.2% of a normal population (Table 2) and as potentially severe pending
