Learning disabilities: A piagetian perspective

时间:2021-06-29 18:20:22
文件名称:Learning disabilities: A piagetian perspective
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:20:22
学术 论文 Learning disabilities: A piagetian perspective 70 Jenkins and Calhoun PEARLIN, L. I., LIEBREMAN, M. A., MONOOHAN, E. G., & MULLAN, J. T. (1981). The stress process. Journal PETTEORBW, L. S . , WOLP, G. E. (1982). Validating measures of teacher stress. American Educational Scmvm, R. L., JACKSON, S. E., & SCHULER, R. S. (1986). Educator burnout: Sources and consequences. SELYE, H. (1950). The physiology and pathology of exposure to stress. Montreal: Acta. SPIBLBERGER, C. D. (1966). Anx
