Relationships of some adolescent characteristics and verbal creativity

时间:2021-06-29 18:14:19
文件名称:Relationships of some adolescent characteristics and verbal creativity
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:14:19
学术 论文 Relationships of some adolescent characteristics and verbal creativity ADJUSTMENT, SOCIOMETRIC STATUS AND ACHIEVEMENT IN THIRD GRADERS 321 HOLT, J. C. How children fail. New York: Pitman, 1964. LIEM, G. R., YELLOW, A. W., COWEN, E. L., TROST, M. A., & Izzo, L. D. Some correlates of early- detected emotional dysfunction in the schools. American Journul of Orthops chial~y, in press. MEYER, W. J., & THOMPSON, G. G. Sex differences in the distribution of teacier approval and dis- approval
