作为种族地位函数的 WISC-R 语言表现差异的调查

时间:2024-07-19 14:30:50

文件名称:作为种族地位函数的 WISC-R 语言表现差异的调查



更新时间:2024-07-19 14:30:50

学术 论文

An investigation of WISC-R verbal-performance differences as a function of ethnic status Psychology in the Schools Volume 21 . October. 1984 AN INVESTIGATION OF WISC-R VERBAL-PERFORMANCE DIFFERENCES AS A FUNCTION OF ETHNIC. STATUS’ RONALD L. TAYLOR, EDWARD W. ZIEGLER, AND INGRID PARTENIO Florida Atlantic University The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised was administered to 187 black, 184 Hispanic, and 184 white children aged 6-11. The Verbal-Performance (V-P) IQ discr
