更新时间:2013-11-25 16:41:14
The Max visual programming environment is a very effective way to work with digital media, in applications from prototype to finished product. Max was created in the mid 1980’s, and its flexible message-passing architecture has enabled it to evolve fairly gracefully since that time, incorporating features unimagined at the time of its initial design. MSP and Jitter are groups of Max objects that deal with signals and matrix data respectively. Each started out as a separate product that extended Max, but both extensions are now becoming more and more part of the standard distribution. With all of the options available in Max/MSP/Jitter come a fairly steep learning curve. Basic programming in Max itself is relatively quick to learn, but just as there is no way around studying vocabulary when learning a new language, getting to know a large number of the roughly 500 objects in Max/MSP/Jitter is necessary in order to use it well. This document provides a list of some MSP and Jitter objects divided by functional groups. It is by no means comprehensive. I have tried to mention the most useful and commonly-used objects in each of some main categories. After finding an object in a given category, the help file for that object, in particular its “See Also” section, is a good gateway to further possibilities. A basic knowledge of Max patching, such as can be gained from going through the first five Max tutorials or so, is assumed here for brevity. Many objects can be found by category in Max using the New Object List. This is a text list, different from the UI object palette that appears when the canvas is double-clicked. To use the New Object List, press ‘n’ to create a new object, then move the mouse to hover over the lower right corner of the object. An equals sign in a blue circle should appear; clicking on this little guy brings up the New Object List.