Teacher ratings of Hispanic, black, and Anglo students' classroom behavior

时间:2021-06-29 19:16:12
文件名称:Teacher ratings of Hispanic, black, and Anglo students' classroom behavior
更新时间:2021-06-29 19:16:12
学术 论文 Teacher ratings of Hispanic, black, and Anglo students' classroom behavior Psychology in the Schools Volume 22. July 1985 TEACHER RATINGS OF HISPANIC, BLACK, AND ANGLO STUDENTS’ CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR TIM ROBERTS, JERRY HUTTON, AND MAXIMIN0 PLATA East Texas Staie Universiry Teachers rated the behavior of Hispanic (N=56), black (N=56), and Anglo ( N = 5 6 ) elementary students with the Teacher Checklist of School Behavior. The behavior of Hispanic students was rated less favorably than
