文件名称:奥克兰,T.(编辑)。 少数民族儿童的心理和教育评估。 纽约:Brunner/Mazel,1977 年,241 页,[美元]13.50
更新时间:2024-07-19 14:28:30
学术 论文
Oakland, T. (Ed.). Psychological and Educational Assessment of Minority Children. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1977, 241 pp., [dollar]13.50 Book Reviews 259 cautious and reflective ambience; there is no return. This school-home dichotomy is remarkably effective, regardless of the child’s origins. True, the transformation varies in degree, but, if the child achieves scholastically, the personal end results are nearly iden- tical. Rodriguez’ admiration for schools and teachers is not unusual.