
时间:2017-05-23 16:54:54
更新时间:2017-05-23 16:54:54
波束赋形 shaped beam 最新波束赋形英文论文,从2012年至今主要为Journals & Magazines类。PDF格式,适用于有一定基础的学者。
shaped beam
----2013A Method of Generating Simultaneous Contoured and.pdf(936KB)
----2012Effect of phase modulated on tightly focused radially and.pdf(446KB)
----2014Common Mathematical Framework for Real and.pdf(890KB)
----2013Two-Layer Butterfly-Shaped Microstrip 4×4 Butler Matrix for Ultra-.pdf(936KB)
----2013Millimeter-Wave Shaped-Beam Substrate Integrated.pdf(2.27MB)
----2012An EffectiveApproach to the Synthesis ofPhase-Only.pdf(1.21MB)
----2013Accurate method for synthesis of shaped-beam.pdf(551KB)
----2013X Band Two Layer Printed Reflectarray with Shaped.pdf(1.73MB)
----2013A New Method for Synthesis of Beam-Shaping.pdf(1.09MB)
----2014Higher-Order Soliton Generation in Hybrid.pdf(778KB)
----2014Reducing the Number of Elements in Multiple-Pattern.pdf(1.87MB)
----2014Radiometrically Calibrated Features of.pdf(697KB)
----2012Complex-Weight Sparse Linear Array Synthesis by.pdf(5.52MB)
----2013Evaluation and investigation of laser doping by a double-gaussian.pdf(7.41MB)
----2013Stress Relaxation Mechanism With a Ring-Shaped.pdf(1.78MB)
----2013Dependence of Harmonic Spectrum Shape on Laser.pdf(360KB)
----2012A Beam-Switching Antenna Array With Shaped.pdf(833KB)
----2014Modeling Light Scattering in Tissue as Continuous.pdf(1.21MB)
----2013A Lossless Beam-Forming Network for Linear Arrays.pdf(1.51MB)
----2012Estimation of Radio Interferometer Beam Shapes.pdf(730KB)
----2013Shaped Beam Synthesis of Arrays via Sequential.pdf(758KB)
----2014Optimal Synthesis of Circularly Symmetric Shaped.pdf(2.09MB)
----2014Efficient Transmit Beamspace Design for Search-Free.pdf(2.43MB)
----2011Hybrid differential evolution with artificial bee colony.pdf(803KB)
----2013An Effective Deterministic Procedure for the.pdf(1.28MB)
----2013Polarization Synthesis of Arbitrary Arrays.pdf(325KB)
----2012Multi-Beam Refl ector Antenna System.pdf(2.11MB)
----2012A Reconfigurable Beam Shape Patch Array Antenna.pdf(971KB)
----2013Design, Manufacture and Test of a Low-Cost.pdf(2.17MB)
----2013A Novel Millimeter-Wave Dual-Fed.pdf(1.89MB)
----2014Application of Convex Relaxation to.pdf(1.44MB)
