Validity of WISC-R IQS and factor scores in predicting achievement for Mexican-American children

时间:2024-07-19 12:01:41

文件名称:Validity of WISC-R IQS and factor scores in predicting achievement for Mexican-American children



更新时间:2024-07-19 12:01:41

学术 论文

Validity of WISC-R IQS and factor scores in predicting achievement for Mexican-American children Psycholog). in rhr Schools Volume 20. Ocrohrr, 1983 VALIDITY OF WISC-R IQS AND FACTOR SCORES IN PREDICTING ACHIEVEMENT FOR MEXICAN-AMERICAN CHILDREN SHITALA P. MISHRA The University ofArizona The predictive validity of the WISC-R IQs and factor scores was examined with a sample of 64 Mexican-American children. All the correlations among the WISC-R factor scores and academic achievement
