Mesh Combine Studio 1.16.unitypackage

时间:2022-09-30 09:32:48
文件名称:Mesh Combine Studio 1.16.unitypackage
更新时间:2022-09-30 09:32:48
Mesh Combine unity网格自动优化Mesh Combine Studio 1.16 Requires Unity 5.1.5 or higher. Special introductory price with 50% discount! For a limited time only get it for $35 instead of $70! Mesh Combine Studio is an automatic cell based mesh combiner which can significantly to dramatically improve the performance of your game. It can be used on any type of game for any platform. We use MCS technology in our game D.R.O.N.E. for our modular Arena Editor and without it we would only get 1 fps. Instead of manually combining meshes, which is very tedious, MCS will do this automatically for you and the performance improvements it gives cannot be achieved with manual combining. Just simple drag and drop a MCS prefab in your Scene and tweak some values to your specific needs and you are ready to go.
