Rothman, J. (1991). Runaway and homeless youth: Strengthening services to families and children. New York: Longman, 164 pp., [dollar]17.95 (paper)

时间:2021-06-29 21:04:25
文件名称:Rothman, J. (1991). Runaway and homeless youth: Strengthening services to families and children. New York: Longman, 164 pp., [dollar]17.95 (paper)
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:04:25
学术 论文 Rothman, J. (1991). Runaway and homeless youth: Strengthening services to families and children. New York: Longman, 164 pp., [dollar]17.95 (paper) Book Reviews 333 As Scott-Davis insists, enhancing minority-parent involvement is not simply a matter of aligning good research to automatically produce sound school practice and policy. School researchers are not “value-free,” and neither is their culture or its schools. Scott- Davis reminds us of the choices and restraints schools, researcher
