文件名称:Burns, R. B. (1981). The self-concept. New York: Longman, 341 pp., [dollar]10.50 (paper)
更新时间:2024-07-19 10:55:30
学术 论文
Burns, R. B. (1981). The self-concept. New York: Longman, 341 pp., [dollar]10.50 (paper) BOOK REVIEWS GILBERT R. GREDLER University of South Carolina BURNS, R. B. (1981). Theself-concept. New York: Longman, 341 pp., $10.50 (paper). Burns considers that self-concept theory provides one of the most helpful and impor- tant interpretations of human personality. This theory plays “a key role . . . in the in- tegration of personality, in motivating behavior, and in achieving mental health”