Normative achievement assessment of gifted children: Comparing the K-ABC, WRAT, and CAT

时间:2021-06-29 20:17:41
文件名称:Normative achievement assessment of gifted children: Comparing the K-ABC, WRAT, and CAT
更新时间:2021-06-29 20:17:41
学术 论文 Normative achievement assessment of gifted children: Comparing the K-ABC, WRAT, and CAT Psychology in the Schoo/s Volume 23. October 1986 NORMATIVE ACHIEVEMENT ASSESSMENT OF GIFTED CHILDREN: COMPARING THE K-ABC, WRAT, AND CAT FRANCES A. KARNES, RON P. EDWARDS, AND R. STEVE McCALLUM University of Southern Mississippi The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) purports to assess fluid and crystallized intelligence via processing and achievement subtests, respectively. Eigh
