Assessing teachers' attitude toward the handicapped: A methodological investigation

时间:2021-06-29 21:08:27
文件名称:Assessing teachers' attitude toward the handicapped: A methodological investigation
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:08:27
学术 论文 Assessing teachers' attitude toward the handicapped: A methodological investigation Psychology in Ihe Srhools Volume 20. A d 1983 ASSESSING TEACHERS’ ATTITUDE TOWARD THE HANDICAPPED: A METHODOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION RICHARD M. GARGIULO’ Universiiy of A loboma- Birm inghom ROBERT J . YONKER Bowling Green State University The attitude of 48 pre- and in-service regular and special educators toward teaching the special needs pupil was assessed physiologically via changes in pulse and
