Active Disturbance Rejection Control_.pdf

时间:2023-01-05 15:13:33
文件名称:Active Disturbance Rejection Control_.pdf
更新时间:2023-01-05 15:13:33
自抗扰控制经典 The question addressed in this paper is: just what do we need to know about a process in order to control it? With active disturbance rejection, perhaps we don’t need to know as much as we were told. In fact, it is shown that the unknown dynamics and disturbance can be actively estimated and compensated in real time and this makes the feedback control more robust and less dependent on the detailed mathematical model of the physical process. In this paper we first examine the basic premises in the existing paradigms, from which it is argued that a paradigm shift is necessary. Using a motion control metaphor, the basis of such a shift, the Active Disturbance Rejection Control, is introduced. Stability analysis and applications are presented. Finally, the characteristics and significance of the new paradigm are discussed.
