
时间:2018-08-12 16:39:36
更新时间:2018-08-12 16:39:36
平衡 是小车自平衡的代码,是arduino的,// Arduino Wire library is required if I2Cdev I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE implementation // is used in I2Cdev.h #include "Wire.h"` /******************************************************/ //UNO pin map int ENA=9; int ENB=11; int IN1=7; int IN2=8; int IN3=10; int IN4=12; int MAS,MBS; /* IMU Data */ double accX, accY, accZ; double gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ; int16_t tempRaw; double gyroXangle, gyroYangle; // Angle calculate using the gyro only double compAngleX, compAngleY; // Calculated angle using a complementary filter double kalAngleX, kalAngleY; // Calculated angle using a Kalman filter uint8_t i2cData[14]; // Buffer for I2C data uint32_t timer; unsigned long lastTime; /***************************************/ double P[2][2] = {{ 1, 0 },{ 0, 1 }}; double Pdot[4] ={ 0,0,0,0}; static const double Q_angle=0.001, Q_gyro=0.003, R_angle=0.5,dtt=0.005,C_0 = 1; double q_bias, angle_err, PCt_0, PCt_1, E, K_0, K_1, t_0, t_1; double angle,angle_dot,aaxdot,aax; double position_dot,position_dot_filter,positiono; /*-------------Encoder---------------*/ #define LF 0 #define RT 1 int Lduration,Rduration; boolean LcoderDir,RcoderDir; const byte encoder0pinA = 2; const byte encoder0pinB = 5; byte encoder0PinALast; const byte encoder1pinA = 3; const byte encoder1pinB = 4; byte encoder1PinALast; int RotationCoder[2]; /*--------------------------------------*/ float k1,k2,k3,k4; //Adjust the PID Parameters int turn_flag=0; float move_flag=0; int pwm; int pwm_R,pwm_L; float range; float range_error_all; float wheel_speed; float last_wheel; float error_a=0; void setup() { // join I2C bus (I2Cdev library doesn't do this automatically) Wire.begin(); // initialize serial communication Serial.begin(9600); //Serial.println("AT+NAMEitead"); //motor contraler pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT); pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT); pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT); pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT); pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT); pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT); pinMode(6, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(6, LOW);//disable buzzer /******************************************************/ //Serial.println("Initializing I2C devices..."); TWBR = ((F_CPU / 400000L) - 16) / 2; // Set I2C frequency to 400kHz i2cData[0] = 7; // Set the sample rate to 1000Hz - 8kHz/(7+1) = 1000Hz i2cData[1] = 0x00; // Disable FSYNC and set 260 Hz Acc filtering, 256 Hz Gyro filtering, 8 KHz sampling i2cData[2] = 0x00; // Set Gyro Full Scale Range to ±250deg/s i2cData[3] = 0x00; // Set Accelerometer Full Scale Range to ±2g while (i2cWrite(0x19, i2cData, 4, false)); // Write to all four registers at once while (i2cWrite(0x6B, 0x01, true)); // PLL with X axis gyroscope reference and disable sleep mode while (i2cRead(0x75, i2cData, 1)); if (i2cData[0] != 0x68) { // Read "WHO_AM_I" register Serial.print(F("Error reading sensor")); while (1); } delay(20); // Wait for sensor to stabilize while (i2cRead(0x3B, i2cData, 6)); accX = (i2cData[0] << 8) | i2cData[1]; accY = (i2cData[2] << 8) | i2cData[3]; accZ = (i2cData[4] << 8) | i2cData[5]; double roll = atan2(accX, accZ) * RAD_TO_DEG; //The balance PID k1=43;//24.80; k2=1.4;//9.66; k3=-0.88 ;//4.14; k4=-0.55;//0.99; /*************************************************************************************/ EnCoderInit(); timer = micros(); //CoderInit();//Initialize the module //Serial.println("BOOT.............."); } /*****************************main loop ****************************************************/ void loop() { control(); /********************************************************/ while (i2cRead(0x3B, i2cData, 14)); accX = ((i2cData[0] << 8) | i2cData[1]); //accY = ((i2cData[2] << 8) | i2cData[3]); accZ = ((i2cData[4] << 8) | i2cData[5]); //gyroX = (i2cData[8] << 8) | i2cData[9]; gyroY = (i2cData[10] << 8) | i2cData[11]; //gyroZ = (i2cData[12] << 8) | i2cData[13]; double dt = (double)(micros() - timer) / 1000000; // Calculate delta time timer = micros(); double roll = atan2(accX, accZ) * RAD_TO_DEG-move_flag; //double gyroXrate = gyroX / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s double gyroYrate = -gyroY / 131.0; // Convert to deg/s //gyroXangle += gyroXrate * dt; // Calculate gyro angle without any filter //gyroYangle += gyroYrate * dt; /* Serial.print("roll:"); Serial.print(roll); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("gyroY:"); Serial.print(gyroY); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("gyroYangle:"); Serial.print(gyroYangle); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("compAngleX:"); Serial.print(compAngleX); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print("kalAngleX:"); Serial.print(kalAngleX); Serial.print("\t"); */ /****************************************************/ Kalman_Filter(roll,gyroYrate); if(abs(angle)<35){ // Serial.print("kfAngle=");Serial.print(roll);//Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(",angleAx="); //Serial.print(angle); Serial.print("\t"); pwm_calculate(); PWMD(); Serial.print("pwm:"); Serial.print(pwm); Serial.print("\n"); //set_motor(); } else{ analogWrite(ENB, 0); //PWM调速a==0-255 analogWrite(ENA,0 ); //PWM调速a==0-255 } delay(2); Serial.print(";\t\n"); } /*************************************************************************/ void Kalman_Filter(double angle_m,double gyro_m) { angle+=(gyro_m-q_bias) * dtt; Pdot[0]=Q_angle - P[0][1] - P[1][0]; Pdot[1]=- P[1][1]; Pdot[2]=- P[1][1]; Pdot[3]=Q_gyro; P[0][0] += Pdot[0] * dtt; P[0][1] += Pdot[1] * dtt; P[1][0] += Pdot[2] * dtt; P[1][1] += Pdot[3] * dtt; angle_err = angle_m - angle; PCt_0 = C_0 * P[0][0]; PCt_1 = C_0 * P[1][0]; E = R_angle + C_0 * PCt_0; K_0 = PCt_0 / E; K_1 = PCt_1 / E; t_0 = PCt_0; t_1 = C_0 * P[0][1]; P[0][0] -= K_0 * t_0; P[0][1] -= K_0 * t_1; P[1][0] -= K_1 * t_0; P[1][1] -= K_1 * t_1; angle+= K_0 * angle_err; q_bias += K_1 * angle_err; angle_dot = gyro_m-q_bias;//也许应该用last_angle-angle } // ************************** // Init the Incoder // ************************** void EnCoderInit() { //LcoderDir = true; //RcoderDir = true; pinMode(8,INPUT); pinMode(9,INPUT); attachInterrupt(LF, LwheelSpeed, RISING); attachInterrupt(RT, RwheelSpeed, RISING); } // ************************** // Calculate the pwm // ************************** void pwm_calculate() { unsigned long now = millis(); // 当前时间(ms) int Time = now - lastTime; int range_error; //Serial.print(" R:");Serial.print(Rduration); //Serial.print(" L:");Serial.print(Lduration); range+=(Lduration+Rduration)*0.5; range*=0.9; range_error=Lduration-Rduration; range_error_all+=range_error; wheel_speed=range-last_wheel; last_wheel=range; pwm=angle*k1+angle_dot*k2+range*k3+wheel_speed*k4; //use PID tho calculate the pwm if(pwm>255) //Maximum Minimum Limitations pwm=255; if(pwm<-255) pwm=-255; //Serial.print(pwm);Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(Lduration);Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(Rduration);Serial.print("\t\n"); /* if(turn_flag==0) { pwm_R=pwm+range_error_all; pwm_L=pwm-range_error_all; } else { pwm_R=pwm-turn_flag*68; //Direction PID control pwm_L=pwm+turn_flag*68; range_error_all=0; //clean } */ Lduration = 0;//clean Rduration = 0; lastTime = now; //Serial.print(Time);Serial.print("\n"); } /************************************************************/ void PWMD() { if(pwm>0) { digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN2, LOW); digitalWrite(IN3, LOW); digitalWrite(IN4, HIGH); Serial.print("..."); } else if(pwm<0) { digitalWrite(IN1, LOW); digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH); digitalWrite(IN4, LOW); Serial.print("***"); } int PWMr = abs(pwm); int PWMl = abs(pwm); analogWrite(ENB, PWMl); //PWM调速a==0-255 analogWrite(ENA, PWMr ); //PWM调速a==0-255 } // ******************************* // Read the Speed from the Encoder // ******************************* void LwheelSpeed() { if(digitalRead(encoder0pinB)) Lduration++; else Lduration--; /* int Lstate = digitalRead(encoder0pinA); if((encoder0PinALast == LOW)&&Lstate==HIGH) { int val = digitalRead(encoder0pinB); if(val == LOW && LcoderDir) LcoderDir = false; //Lreverse else if(val == HIGH && !LcoderDir) LcoderDir = true; //Lforward } encoder0PinALast = Lstate; if(!LcoderDir) Lduration++; else Lduration--; */ } void RwheelSpeed() { if(digitalRead(encoder1pinB)) Rduration--; else Rduration++; /* int Rstate = digitalRead(encoder1pinA); if((encoder1PinALast == LOW)&&Rstate==HIGH) { int val = digitalRead(encoder1pinB); if(val == LOW && RcoderDir) RcoderDir = false; //Rreverse else if(val == HIGH && !RcoderDir) RcoderDir = true; //Rforward } encoder1PinALast = Rstate; if(!RcoderDir) Rduration--; else Rduration++; */ } void control() { if(Serial.available()){ int val; val=Serial.read(); switch(val){ case 'F': if(move_flag<5) move_flag+=0.1; Serial.println("forword"); break; case 'B': if(move_flag>-5)move_flag-=0.1; Serial.println("back"); break; case 'S': move_flag=0; turn_flag=0; Serial.println("stop"); break; default: break; } } }
