Differential perceptions of multidisciplinary team members: Seriously emotionally disturbed vs. socially maladjusted

时间:2021-06-29 21:35:15
文件名称:Differential perceptions of multidisciplinary team members: Seriously emotionally disturbed vs. socially maladjusted
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:35:15
学术 论文 Differential perceptions of multidisciplinary team members: Seriously emotionally disturbed vs. socially maladjusted 3 20 Barona and Faykus Ross, S. L., DEYOUNC, H. C., & COHEN, J . S. (1971). Confrontation: Special education placement and the law. Journal of Exceptional Children, 38, 5-12. SHINN, M. R . , TINDAL, (3. A,, & SPIRA, D. A. (1987). Special education referrals as an index of teacher tolerance: Are teachers imperfect tests? Exceptional Children, 54, 32-40. TOBIAS, S., ZIB
