Web worker的用例是什么?

时间:2021-02-25 19:34:59

I am looking for real-world scenarious for using Web Workers API.

我正在寻找使用Web Workers API的真实场景。

3 个解决方案



  • John Resig (of jQuery fame) has a bunch of interesting examples of using web workers here - games, graphics, crypto.

    John Resig(以jQuery闻名)在这里有很多有趣的使用web worker的例子——游戏、图形、密码。

  • Another use is Web I/O - in other words, polling URLs in background. That way you don't block the UI waiting for polling results.

    另一个用途是Web I/O——换句话说,在后台轮询url。这样就不会阻塞等待轮询结果的UI。

  • Another practical use: in Bespin, they’re using Web Workers to do the syntax highlighting, which you wouldn’t want to block your code editing whilst you’re using the app.

    另一个实际用途是:在Bespin中,他们使用Web Workers来做语法高亮显示,在使用应用程序时,您不会想要阻止代码编辑。

  • From Mozilla: One way workers are useful is to allow your code to perform processor-intensive calculations without blocking the user interface thread.


    As a practical example, think of an app which has a large table of #s (this is real world, BTW - taken from an app I programmed ~2 years ago). You can change one # in a table via input field and a bunch of other numbers in different columns get re-computed in a fairly intensive process.


    The old workflow was: Change the #. Go get coffee while JavaScript crunches through changes to other numbers and the web page is unresponsive for 3 minutes - after I optimized it to hell and back. Get Back with coffee. Change a second #. Repeat many times. Click SAVE button.


    The new workflow with the workers could be: Change the #. Get a status message that something is being recomputed but you can change other #s. Change more #s. When done changing, wait till status changes to "all calculations complete, you can now review the final #s and save".




I have used them for sending larger amounts of data from the browser to server. Obviously, you can do this with regular AJAX calls, but if this takes up one of the precious connections per hostname. Also, if the user does a page transition during this process (e.g clicks a link), your JavaScript objects from the previous page go away and you can't process callbacks. When a web worker is used, this activity happens out of band, so you have a better guarantee that it will complete.

我使用它们从浏览器向服务器发送大量数据。显然,您可以使用常规的AJAX调用来实现这一点,但是如果这占用了每个主机名的一个宝贵的连接的话。此外,如果用户在此过程中进行页面转换(e)。g点击一个链接),你的JavaScript对象从上一页消失,你不能处理回调。当使用web worker时,该活动会发生在带外,因此您可以更好地保证它将完成。



Another Use case:


Compressing/De-compressing files in the background, if you have a lot of images and other media files that are exchanged from the server in compressed format.




  • John Resig (of jQuery fame) has a bunch of interesting examples of using web workers here - games, graphics, crypto.

    John Resig(以jQuery闻名)在这里有很多有趣的使用web worker的例子——游戏、图形、密码。

  • Another use is Web I/O - in other words, polling URLs in background. That way you don't block the UI waiting for polling results.

    另一个用途是Web I/O——换句话说,在后台轮询url。这样就不会阻塞等待轮询结果的UI。

  • Another practical use: in Bespin, they’re using Web Workers to do the syntax highlighting, which you wouldn’t want to block your code editing whilst you’re using the app.

    另一个实际用途是:在Bespin中,他们使用Web Workers来做语法高亮显示,在使用应用程序时,您不会想要阻止代码编辑。

  • From Mozilla: One way workers are useful is to allow your code to perform processor-intensive calculations without blocking the user interface thread.


    As a practical example, think of an app which has a large table of #s (this is real world, BTW - taken from an app I programmed ~2 years ago). You can change one # in a table via input field and a bunch of other numbers in different columns get re-computed in a fairly intensive process.


    The old workflow was: Change the #. Go get coffee while JavaScript crunches through changes to other numbers and the web page is unresponsive for 3 minutes - after I optimized it to hell and back. Get Back with coffee. Change a second #. Repeat many times. Click SAVE button.


    The new workflow with the workers could be: Change the #. Get a status message that something is being recomputed but you can change other #s. Change more #s. When done changing, wait till status changes to "all calculations complete, you can now review the final #s and save".




I have used them for sending larger amounts of data from the browser to server. Obviously, you can do this with regular AJAX calls, but if this takes up one of the precious connections per hostname. Also, if the user does a page transition during this process (e.g clicks a link), your JavaScript objects from the previous page go away and you can't process callbacks. When a web worker is used, this activity happens out of band, so you have a better guarantee that it will complete.

我使用它们从浏览器向服务器发送大量数据。显然,您可以使用常规的AJAX调用来实现这一点,但是如果这占用了每个主机名的一个宝贵的连接的话。此外,如果用户在此过程中进行页面转换(e)。g点击一个链接),你的JavaScript对象从上一页消失,你不能处理回调。当使用web worker时,该活动会发生在带外,因此您可以更好地保证它将完成。



Another Use case:


Compressing/De-compressing files in the background, if you have a lot of images and other media files that are exchanged from the server in compressed format.
