Excel VBA错误处理程序无法处理“运行时错误13:类型不匹配”

时间:2022-09-13 17:04:46

I am running the sub below for an Excel file containing about 10 worksheets, each containing a pivottable linked to the same data source. I have two versions of the 'Market' and 'Region' fields in my data (i.e. 'Market (SC)', 'Market (AN)', 'Region (SC)', 'Region (AN)'), and need to be able to switch between them easily. I set up the code to first bring the corresponding slicers to the front (they are superimposed so that will hide the other), then loop through each pivottable and swap the other 'Market' and 'Region' fields (maintaining the same position, etc.).


Since I'm using the property ".SourceName" to identify the field, the loop runs into an error when the "Values" PivotField is compared to my string. I've put in "On Error Goto next_fld" to tell it to skip to the next field when this occurs, but this only works for 8 of the 10 worksheets -- for the other two I get the error "Run-time error '13' Type Mismatch" and the debug screen highlights the " *** " line. If I use "On Error Resume Next", it assumes that the If statement was True and carries out a lot of unwanted actions (messes up various PivotTables).

因为我在使用属性"要识别字段,当将“值”数据透视表字段与我的字符串进行比较时,循环就会出现错误。我放在“Error Goto next_fld”告诉它跳到下一个字段当这种情况发生时,但这只适用于8的10个工作表,其他两种我得到错误的“运行时错误‘13’类型不匹配”和调试屏幕凸显了“* * *”。如果我使用“On Error Resume Next”,它假定If语句为真,并执行许多不需要的操作(使各种数据透视表混乱)。

I'm self-taught and do not have a complete understanding of the error handler, but from the resources I've come across to fix this error, the handler should be taking care of this (which it does work for 8/10 worksheets).


Here is my code:


Sub SwapMktRegFields()

Dim ws As Worksheet, shp As Shape
Dim i As Integer
Dim target As String, repl As String

target = Sheet5.Range("E3").value

 'Identify current field, use other as repl(acement)
Select Case target
     'AN slicers selected
    Case Is = "AN"
        target = "(AN)"
        repl = "(SC)"
        Sheet5.Range("E3").value = "SC"
     'SC slicers selected
    Case Is = "SC"
        target = "(SC)"
        repl = "(AN)"
        Sheet5.Range("E3").value = "AN"
End Select

 'Bring replacement slicers to front (some are in shape groups)
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each shp In ws.Shapes
        Select Case shp.Type
            Case Is = msoGroup
                For i = 1 To shp.GroupItems.Count
                    If shp.GroupItems(i).Name Like "Market " & target & "*" Or shp.GroupItems(i).Name Like "Region " & target & "*" Then shp.GroupItems(i).ZOrder msoSendToBack
                Next i
            Case Else
                If shp.Name Like "Market " & target & "*" Or shp.Name Like "Region " & target & "*" Then shp.ZOrder msoSendToBack
        End Select
    Next shp
Next ws

 'Replace old PivotFields with replacement PivotFields

Dim pvt As PivotTable
Dim fld As PivotField
Dim orient As Long, pos As Long

On Error GoTo next_fld
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each pvt In ws.PivotTables
        For Each fld In pvt.PivotFields
            If fld.SourceName = "Market " & target And fld.Orientation <> xlHidden Then
                orient = fld.Orientation
                pos = fld.Position
                fld.Orientation = xlHidden
                With pvt.PivotFields("Market " & repl)
                    .Orientation = orient
                    .Position = pos
                End With
            ElseIf fld.SourceName = "Region " & target And fld.Orientation <> xlHidden Then
                orient = fld.Orientation
                pos = fld.Position
                fld.Orientation = xlHidden
                With pvt.PivotFields("Region " & repl)
                    .Orientation = orient
                    .Position = pos
                End With
            End If
        Next fld
    Next pvt
Next ws

 'A custom function to clear filters and re-apply a default

End Sub

The weirdest part is that the error is EXACTLY THE SAME as the other 8 sheets that work with this code. If I remove the error handler completely, I get the exact same pop-up and line highlighted for the other sheets... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


1 个解决方案



Tim, this was very helpful and answered my question. I updated the end of my code to the following:



Exit Sub

Resume next_fld

End Sub

and updated my error handling enabling line to "On Error Goto err_handler". Working now. Thank you!

并将我的错误处理启用行更新为“On error Goto err_handler”。现在工作。谢谢你!



Tim, this was very helpful and answered my question. I updated the end of my code to the following:



Exit Sub

Resume next_fld

End Sub

and updated my error handling enabling line to "On Error Goto err_handler". Working now. Thank you!

并将我的错误处理启用行更新为“On error Goto err_handler”。现在工作。谢谢你!