
时间:2022-01-27 16:59:46

I am trying to understand how andThen works in Scala.


Here's the code:


    def collectNames(fromList: List[Map[String,String]]) = {
      fromList.foldLeft(new StringBuffer)((x,y) => {

    def getOriginalList = List(Map("Name" -> "NS","Age" -> "50"),Map ("Name" -> "SS", "Age" -> "45"))

    getOriginalList andThen collectNames

The compiler finds this disagreeable. It seems that collectNames is being given a Map[String,String] rather than a List[Map[String,String]].

编译器发现这令人不愉快。似乎collectNames被赋予Map [String,String]而不是List [Map [String,String]]。

What does it take me to be able to write that little snippet of 'flowing' code correctly?


1 个解决方案


The problem is that getOriginalList _ is a Function0 (i.e () => R) and has no compose or andThen.

问题是getOriginalList _是一个Function0(即()=> R)并且没有compose或andThen。

Therefore, you this won't compile: getOriginalList _ andThen collectNames _

因此,你不会编译:getOriginalList _然后collectNames _

Now if getOriginalList can be treated as a partially applied function1, it will work:


def getOriginalList(a: Any) = List(Map("Name" -> "NS","Age" -> "50"))
val composed = getOriginalList _ andThen collectNames _ 

But in your case, composition-wise, you should probably consider getOriginalList as a val and use it as a function argument:


def collectNames(fromList: List[Map[String,String]]) = {
  fromList.foldLeft(new StringBuffer)((x,y) => {

def getOriginalList = List(Map("Name" -> "NS","Age" -> "50"),Map ("Name" -> "SS", "Age" -> "45"))

val comp = collectNames _ andThen ((s: String) => s.length())
val n = comp(getOriginalList)   // 6 = ("NS,SS,".length())


The problem is that getOriginalList _ is a Function0 (i.e () => R) and has no compose or andThen.

问题是getOriginalList _是一个Function0(即()=> R)并且没有compose或andThen。

Therefore, you this won't compile: getOriginalList _ andThen collectNames _

因此,你不会编译:getOriginalList _然后collectNames _

Now if getOriginalList can be treated as a partially applied function1, it will work:


def getOriginalList(a: Any) = List(Map("Name" -> "NS","Age" -> "50"))
val composed = getOriginalList _ andThen collectNames _ 

But in your case, composition-wise, you should probably consider getOriginalList as a val and use it as a function argument:


def collectNames(fromList: List[Map[String,String]]) = {
  fromList.foldLeft(new StringBuffer)((x,y) => {

def getOriginalList = List(Map("Name" -> "NS","Age" -> "50"),Map ("Name" -> "SS", "Age" -> "45"))

val comp = collectNames _ andThen ((s: String) => s.length())
val n = comp(getOriginalList)   // 6 = ("NS,SS,".length())