在Scala中的对象成员上使用private [this]

时间:2023-01-15 15:17:31

In the following code:


object MyObj {
  private[this] def myMethod = .....

My understanding of the this modifier to the access modifiers (private, public... etc.,) is that the presence of this makes it specific to that instance! In the case above we only have one instance. So isn't this redundant?


4 个解决方案


The qualifier disables generation of accessors:


scala> object X { private var v = 42 ; def x = v * 2 }
defined object X

scala> object Y { private[this] var v = 42 ; def x = v * 2 }
defined object Y

scala> :javap -pr X
Binary file X contains $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$
Compiled from "<console>"
public class $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$ {
  public static final $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$ MODULE$;
  private int v;
  public static {};
  private int v();
  private void v_$eq(int);
  public int x();
  public $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$();

scala> :javap -pr Y
Binary file Y contains $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$
Compiled from "<console>"
public class $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$ {
  public static final $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$ MODULE$;
  private int v;
  public static {};
  public int x();
  public $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$();

scala> :javap -prv X#x
  public int x();
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: aload_0       
         1: invokespecial #24                 // Method v:()I
         4: iconst_2      
         5: imul          
         6: ireturn       
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
               0       7     0  this   L$line3/$read$$iw$$iw$X$;
        line 7: 0

scala> :javap -prv Y#x
  public int x();
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: aload_0       
         1: getfield      #18                 // Field v:I
         4: iconst_2      
         5: imul          
         6: ireturn       
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
               0       7     0  this   L$line4/$read$$iw$$iw$Y$;
        line 7: 0


A private member (which is called class-private) is accessible from both the class and its companion object. A private[this] member (called object-private) is truly not accessible from outside the companion object.


class MyObj {
  MyObj.objectPrivate // error: symbol is not accessible
object MyObj {
  private def classPrivate = ???
  private[this] def objectPrivate = ???

So in short, the keyword is not redundant here.



Strictly speaking, it isn't redundant because it forbids access from its companion class, which can access normal private members.


More importantly, that's completely besides the point. For the sake of the argument, let's say it is redundant. Should private[this] be forbidden on objects just because it is redundant? That would be very much against the design principles of the language!


One of the things Odersky wanted for Scala is to get rid of arbitrary restrictions, and that shows in all sorts of ways. What things can have nested declarations? Everything that can have declarations: functions, traits, classes and objects. And, latter, package objects. What can be nested on it? Again, almost everything (the exception being package objects, because they are also packages, and packages are not members or declarations). Where can you apply visibility options? On any declaration that is a member of a type (because only types have members). And so on.


In summary, while this particular case is not redundant, the language design doesn't frown on redundant declarations.



You're right, semantically, but there might be some optimizations that aren't applied for private-without-this (though they probably could be). Hopefully someone else can nail the optimization question down.

从语义上讲,你是对的,但是可能会有一些优化没有应用于私有 - 没有这个(尽管它们可能是)。希望其他人可以解决优化问题。


The qualifier disables generation of accessors:


scala> object X { private var v = 42 ; def x = v * 2 }
defined object X

scala> object Y { private[this] var v = 42 ; def x = v * 2 }
defined object Y

scala> :javap -pr X
Binary file X contains $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$
Compiled from "<console>"
public class $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$ {
  public static final $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$ MODULE$;
  private int v;
  public static {};
  private int v();
  private void v_$eq(int);
  public int x();
  public $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$X$();

scala> :javap -pr Y
Binary file Y contains $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$
Compiled from "<console>"
public class $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$ {
  public static final $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$ MODULE$;
  private int v;
  public static {};
  public int x();
  public $line4.$read$$iw$$iw$Y$();

scala> :javap -prv X#x
  public int x();
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: aload_0       
         1: invokespecial #24                 // Method v:()I
         4: iconst_2      
         5: imul          
         6: ireturn       
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
               0       7     0  this   L$line3/$read$$iw$$iw$X$;
        line 7: 0

scala> :javap -prv Y#x
  public int x();
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: aload_0       
         1: getfield      #18                 // Field v:I
         4: iconst_2      
         5: imul          
         6: ireturn       
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
               0       7     0  this   L$line4/$read$$iw$$iw$Y$;
        line 7: 0


A private member (which is called class-private) is accessible from both the class and its companion object. A private[this] member (called object-private) is truly not accessible from outside the companion object.


class MyObj {
  MyObj.objectPrivate // error: symbol is not accessible
object MyObj {
  private def classPrivate = ???
  private[this] def objectPrivate = ???

So in short, the keyword is not redundant here.



Strictly speaking, it isn't redundant because it forbids access from its companion class, which can access normal private members.


More importantly, that's completely besides the point. For the sake of the argument, let's say it is redundant. Should private[this] be forbidden on objects just because it is redundant? That would be very much against the design principles of the language!


One of the things Odersky wanted for Scala is to get rid of arbitrary restrictions, and that shows in all sorts of ways. What things can have nested declarations? Everything that can have declarations: functions, traits, classes and objects. And, latter, package objects. What can be nested on it? Again, almost everything (the exception being package objects, because they are also packages, and packages are not members or declarations). Where can you apply visibility options? On any declaration that is a member of a type (because only types have members). And so on.


In summary, while this particular case is not redundant, the language design doesn't frown on redundant declarations.



You're right, semantically, but there might be some optimizations that aren't applied for private-without-this (though they probably could be). Hopefully someone else can nail the optimization question down.

从语义上讲,你是对的,但是可能会有一些优化没有应用于私有 - 没有这个(尽管它们可能是)。希望其他人可以解决优化问题。