
时间:2021-05-29 16:35:27

I have an SSIS package thats unzips and loads a text file. It has been working great from the debugger, and from the various servers its been uploaded to on its way to our production environment.


My problem right now is this: A file was being loaded, everything was going great, but all of the sudden, on the very last data row (according to the error message) the last field was truncated. I assumed the file we receive was probably messed up, cracked it open, and everything is good there....


Its a | delimited file, no text qualifier, and {CR}{LF} as the row delimiter. Since the field with the truncation error is the last field in the row (and in this case the last field of the entire file), its delimiter is {CR}{LF} as opposed to |.

它是一个|分隔文件,没有文本限定符,{CR} {LF}作为行分隔符。由于具有截断错误的字段是行中的最后一个字段(在本例中是整个文件的最后一个字段),因此其分隔符为{CR} {LF}而不是|。

The file looks pristine and I've even loaded it into Excel with no issue and no complaints. I have run this file through my local machine running the package via the deugger in VS 2008, and it ran perfectly. Has anybody had any issues with behavior like this at all? I can't test it much in the environment that its crashing in, because it is our production environment and these are peak hours.... so any advice is GREATLY appreciated.

该文件看起来质朴,我甚至将它加载到Excel中没有任何问题,也没有抱怨。我通过VS 2008中的deugger运行包的本地机器运行了这个文件,它运行得很好。有没有人对这样的行为有任何问题?我无法在它崩溃的环境中测试它,因为它是我们的生产环境,而且这些都是高峰时段....所以任何建议都非常感激。

Error message:

Description: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "ACD_Flag" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.". End Error Error: 2013-02-01 01:32:06.32 Code: 0xC020902A Source: Load ACD file into Table HDS Flat File 1 [9] Description: The "output column "ACD_Flag" (1040)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "ACD_Flag" (1040)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. End Error Error: 2013-02-01 01:32:06.32 Code: 0xC0202092 Source: Load ACD file into Table [9] Description: An error occurred while processing file "MY FLAT FILE" on data row 737541.

说明:数据转换失败。 “ACD_Flag”列的数据转换返回状态值4,状态文本“文本被截断,或者目标代码页中的一个或多个字符不匹配”。结束错误错误:2013-02-01 01:32:06.32代码:0xC020902A源:将ACD文件加载到表HDS Flat File 1 [9]描述:“输出列”ACD_Flag“(1040)”失败,因为发生了截断, “输出列”ACD_Flag“(1040)”上的截断行处置指定截断失败。指定组件的指定对象上发生截断错误。结束错误错误:2013-02-01 01:32:06.32代码:0xC0202092源:将ACD文件加载到表[9]中描述:在数据行737541上处理文件“MY FLAT FILE”时发生错误。

737541 is the last row in the file.


Update: originally I had the row delimiter {CR}, but I have updated that to {CR}{LF} to attempt to fix this issue... although to no avail.

更新:最初我有行分隔符{CR},但我已将其更新为{CR} {LF}以尝试解决此问题...虽然无济于事。

5 个解决方案




I am able to recreate the error message that you have added to your question. The error happens when you have more column delimiters in the line than what you have defined in the flat file connection manager.


Here is a simple example to illustrate it. I created a simple file as shown below.



I created a package and configured the flat file connection manager with below shown settings.







I configured the package with a data flow task to read the file and populate the data to a database table. When I executed the package, it failed.



Clicked the Execution Results tab on the BIDS. It displays the same message that you have posted in your question.


[Flat File Source [44]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column 1" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
[Flat File Source [44]] Error: The "output column "Column 1" (128)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "Column 1" (128)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
[Flat File Source [44]] Error: An error occurred while processing file "C:\temp\FlatFile.txt" on data row 2.
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on component "Flat File Source" (44) returned error code 0xC0202092.  The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Hope it helps to identify your problem.



Previous answer:

I think that the value in the last field on the last row of your file probably exceeded the value of OutputColumnWidth property of the last column on the Flat File Connection Manager.

我认为文件最后一行的最后一个字段中的值可能超过了Flat File Connection Manager上最后一列的OutputColumnWidth属性值。

Right-click the Flat File Connection Manager on your SSIS package. Click Advanced tab page on the Flat File Connection Manager Editor. Click on the last column and check the value on the OutputColumnWidth property.

右键单击SSIS包上的Flat File Connection Manager。单击平面文件连接管理器编辑器上的高级选项卡页面。单击最后一列并检查OutputColumnWidth属性上的值。

Now, verify the length of data on the last field of the last row in the file that is causing your package to fail.



If that is cause of the problem, here are two possible options to fix this:


  1. Increase the OutputColumnWidth property on the last column to an appropriate length that meets your requirements.


  2. If you do not care about truncation warnings, you can change the truncation error output on the last column of the Flat File Source Editor. Double-click the Flat File Source Editor, click Error Output. Change the Truncation column value to either Ignore failure or Redirect row. I prefer Redirect row because it gives the ability to track data issues in the incoming file by redirecting the invalid to a separate table and take necessary actions to fix the data.


Hope that gives you an idea to resolve your problem.





So I've come up with an answer. The other answers are extremely well thought out and good, but I solved this using a slightly different technique.


I had all but eliminated the actual possibility of truncation because once I looked into the data in the flat file, it just didn't make sense... truncation could definitely NOT be occuring. So I decided to focus the second half of the error message: or one or more characters had no match in the target code page


After some intense Googleing I found a few sites like this one: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlintegrationservices/thread/6d4eb033-2c45-47e4-9e29-f20214122dd3/


Basically the idea is that if you know truncation isn't happening, you have characters without a code page match, so a switch from 1252 ANSI Latin I to 65001 UTF-8 should make a difference.

基本上这个想法是,如果你知道截断没有发生,你有没有代码页匹配的字符,所以从1252 ANSI Latin I到65001 UTF-8的转换应该有所不同。

Since this has been moved to production, and the production environment is the only environment having this issue I wanted to make 100% sure I had the correct fix in, so I made one more change. I had no text qualifier, but SSIS still keeps the default Text_Qualified property for each column in the Flat File Connection Manager to TRUE. I set ALL of them to false (not just the column in question). So now the package doesn't see it needs a qualifier, then go to the qualifier and see <none> and then not look for a qualifier... it just flat out doesn't use a qualifier period.

由于这已经转移到生产,并且生产环境是唯一有这个问题的环境,我想100%确定我有正确的修复,所以我做了一个更改。我没有文本限定符,但SSIS仍将Flat File Connection Manager中每列的默认Text_Qualified属性保持为TRUE。我将所有这些设置为false(不仅仅是相关列)。所以现在包看不到它需要一个限定符,然后转到限定符并查看 然后不查找限定符...它只是变平而不使用限定符句点。

Between these two changes the package finally ran successfully. Since both changes were done in the same release, and I've only received this error in production and I can't afford to switch different things back and forth for experimental purposes, I can't speak to which change finally did it, but I can tell you those were the only two changes I made.


One thing to note: the production machine running this package is: 10.50.1617 and my machine I am developing on (and most of the machines I am testing on) are: 10.50.4000. I've raised this as a possible issue with our Ops DBA and hopefully we'll get everything consistent.

有一点需要注意:运行此软件包的生产机器是:10.50.1617,我正在开发的机器(我正在测试的大多数机器)是:10.50.4000。我已经提出这个问题作为我们的Ops DBA可能存在的问题,并希望我们能够使所有内容保持一致。

Hopefully this will help anybody else who has a similar issue. If anybody would like additional information or details (I feel as if I've covered everything) please just comment here and let me know. I will gladly update this to make it more helpfull for anybody coming along in the future.




It only happens on the one server? And you aren't using a test qualifier? We have had this happen before. This is what fixed it.


Go to that server and open the xml file. Search forTextQualifier and see if it says:


 <DTS:Property DTS:Name="TextQualifier" xml:space="preserve">&lt;none&gt;</DTS:Property>

If it doesn't make it say that.




I know this is a whole year later, but when I opened the flat file connection manager, for the text qualifier it had "_x003C_none_x003E_". I replace the "_x003C_none_x003E_" hex code garbage and put arrows like it should be, "<" none ">" (the editor is removing the arrows), and it stopped dropping the last row of the file.




I had the exact same error. My source text file contained unicode characters and I solved it by saving the text file using unicode encoding (instead of the default utf-8 encoding) and checking the Unicode checkbox in the Data Source dialog.





I am able to recreate the error message that you have added to your question. The error happens when you have more column delimiters in the line than what you have defined in the flat file connection manager.


Here is a simple example to illustrate it. I created a simple file as shown below.



I created a package and configured the flat file connection manager with below shown settings.







I configured the package with a data flow task to read the file and populate the data to a database table. When I executed the package, it failed.



Clicked the Execution Results tab on the BIDS. It displays the same message that you have posted in your question.


[Flat File Source [44]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column 1" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
[Flat File Source [44]] Error: The "output column "Column 1" (128)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "Column 1" (128)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
[Flat File Source [44]] Error: An error occurred while processing file "C:\temp\FlatFile.txt" on data row 2.
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on component "Flat File Source" (44) returned error code 0xC0202092.  The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Hope it helps to identify your problem.



Previous answer:

I think that the value in the last field on the last row of your file probably exceeded the value of OutputColumnWidth property of the last column on the Flat File Connection Manager.

我认为文件最后一行的最后一个字段中的值可能超过了Flat File Connection Manager上最后一列的OutputColumnWidth属性值。

Right-click the Flat File Connection Manager on your SSIS package. Click Advanced tab page on the Flat File Connection Manager Editor. Click on the last column and check the value on the OutputColumnWidth property.

右键单击SSIS包上的Flat File Connection Manager。单击平面文件连接管理器编辑器上的高级选项卡页面。单击最后一列并检查OutputColumnWidth属性上的值。

Now, verify the length of data on the last field of the last row in the file that is causing your package to fail.



If that is cause of the problem, here are two possible options to fix this:


  1. Increase the OutputColumnWidth property on the last column to an appropriate length that meets your requirements.


  2. If you do not care about truncation warnings, you can change the truncation error output on the last column of the Flat File Source Editor. Double-click the Flat File Source Editor, click Error Output. Change the Truncation column value to either Ignore failure or Redirect row. I prefer Redirect row because it gives the ability to track data issues in the incoming file by redirecting the invalid to a separate table and take necessary actions to fix the data.


Hope that gives you an idea to resolve your problem.





So I've come up with an answer. The other answers are extremely well thought out and good, but I solved this using a slightly different technique.


I had all but eliminated the actual possibility of truncation because once I looked into the data in the flat file, it just didn't make sense... truncation could definitely NOT be occuring. So I decided to focus the second half of the error message: or one or more characters had no match in the target code page


After some intense Googleing I found a few sites like this one: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqlintegrationservices/thread/6d4eb033-2c45-47e4-9e29-f20214122dd3/


Basically the idea is that if you know truncation isn't happening, you have characters without a code page match, so a switch from 1252 ANSI Latin I to 65001 UTF-8 should make a difference.

基本上这个想法是,如果你知道截断没有发生,你有没有代码页匹配的字符,所以从1252 ANSI Latin I到65001 UTF-8的转换应该有所不同。

Since this has been moved to production, and the production environment is the only environment having this issue I wanted to make 100% sure I had the correct fix in, so I made one more change. I had no text qualifier, but SSIS still keeps the default Text_Qualified property for each column in the Flat File Connection Manager to TRUE. I set ALL of them to false (not just the column in question). So now the package doesn't see it needs a qualifier, then go to the qualifier and see <none> and then not look for a qualifier... it just flat out doesn't use a qualifier period.

由于这已经转移到生产,并且生产环境是唯一有这个问题的环境,我想100%确定我有正确的修复,所以我做了一个更改。我没有文本限定符,但SSIS仍将Flat File Connection Manager中每列的默认Text_Qualified属性保持为TRUE。我将所有这些设置为false(不仅仅是相关列)。所以现在包看不到它需要一个限定符,然后转到限定符并查看 然后不查找限定符...它只是变平而不使用限定符句点。

Between these two changes the package finally ran successfully. Since both changes were done in the same release, and I've only received this error in production and I can't afford to switch different things back and forth for experimental purposes, I can't speak to which change finally did it, but I can tell you those were the only two changes I made.


One thing to note: the production machine running this package is: 10.50.1617 and my machine I am developing on (and most of the machines I am testing on) are: 10.50.4000. I've raised this as a possible issue with our Ops DBA and hopefully we'll get everything consistent.

有一点需要注意:运行此软件包的生产机器是:10.50.1617,我正在开发的机器(我正在测试的大多数机器)是:10.50.4000。我已经提出这个问题作为我们的Ops DBA可能存在的问题,并希望我们能够使所有内容保持一致。

Hopefully this will help anybody else who has a similar issue. If anybody would like additional information or details (I feel as if I've covered everything) please just comment here and let me know. I will gladly update this to make it more helpfull for anybody coming along in the future.




It only happens on the one server? And you aren't using a test qualifier? We have had this happen before. This is what fixed it.


Go to that server and open the xml file. Search forTextQualifier and see if it says:


 <DTS:Property DTS:Name="TextQualifier" xml:space="preserve">&lt;none&gt;</DTS:Property>

If it doesn't make it say that.




I know this is a whole year later, but when I opened the flat file connection manager, for the text qualifier it had "_x003C_none_x003E_". I replace the "_x003C_none_x003E_" hex code garbage and put arrows like it should be, "<" none ">" (the editor is removing the arrows), and it stopped dropping the last row of the file.




I had the exact same error. My source text file contained unicode characters and I solved it by saving the text file using unicode encoding (instead of the default utf-8 encoding) and checking the Unicode checkbox in the Data Source dialog.
