将纬度/经度转换为Alberta 10 TM Projection

时间:2021-09-16 16:03:24

I need to convert latitude/longitude coordinates into Easting/Northing coordinates in the Alberta 10 TM Projection.

我需要在Alberta 10 TM Projection中将纬度/经度坐标转换为Easting / Northing坐标。

The 10 TM projection is similar to UTM, but it is a custom projection for the province of Alberta, Canada. I think (with some effort) I could code it myself but would rather not reinvent the wheel if it's been done already.

10 TM投影类似于UTM,但它是加拿大阿尔伯塔省的自定义投影。我认为(付出一些努力)我可以自己编码,但如果已经完成,我宁愿不重新发明*。

7 个解决方案



Grab PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections library - open source library.

抓住PROJ.4制图投影库 - 开源库。

Suggested parameters for 10TM:


+proj=tmerc +lon_0=-115 +k_0=0.9992 +x_0=500000 +datum=NAD27

+ proj = tmerc + lon_0 = -115 + k_0 = 0.9992 + x_0 = 500000 + datum = NAD27

According to this post you may need to:


change the ellps to GRS80 if your 10TM data is referenced to the NAD83 datum (instead of NAD27/clrk66). You may also need to change the false northing (y_0) to be -5000000 if your 10TM coordinates for Alberta are less than 5,000,000 (an AltaLIS "standard").

如果您的10TM数据被引用到NAD83数据(而不是NAD27 / clrk66),则将椭圆更改为GRS80。如果您的Alberta的10TM坐标小于5,000,000(AltaLIS“标准”),您可能还需要将false northing(y_0)更改为-5000000。

I should mention that proj.4 is the library to get for any kind of geographic coordinate system transformation. There's pretty much no transformation it can't do.


I also recommend reading Map Projections-A Working Manual (Paperback) by John Snyder if you are into these kinds of things.. it's a classic. :) (fixed the link)

如果你喜欢这些东西,我还建议阅读John Snyder的Map Projections-A Working Manual(平装本)......这是一个经典之作。 :)(修复了链接)



I've used GDAL (http://www.gdal.org) to do this. It supports bindings for many different languages as well.




For free GIS libraries, take a look here: http://www.freegis.org/database/?cat=12. Hopefully you can find something that fits your needs.

对于免费的GIS库,请查看此处:http://www.freegis.org/database/?cat = 12。希望你能找到适合你需求的东西。



I would seriously consider using a third party dll to do this rather than code it yourself.


I don't know the full details of the 10 TM projection, but I worked on a project that required coordinate conversions between many different coordinate systems to a high degree of accuracy, including UTM and Lat/Long. We found that the maths involved was way too complicated.

我不知道10 TM投影的全部细节,但我参与了一个项目,该项目需要在许多不同坐标系之间进行坐标转换,以达到高精度,包括UTM和Lat / Long。我们发现所涉及的数学太复杂了。

Perhaps take a look at the open source PROJ.4: http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/


They seems to support a huge range of conversions, and so I hope Alberta 10 TM will be covered.

他们似乎支持大范围的转换,所以我希望Alberta 10 TM能够被覆盖。



Download the opensource GIS application MapWindow

下载opensource GIS应用程序MapWindow

Open the GIS Tools menu


And use their shapefile reprojection tool. Under "National Grids Canada" you can select this Alberta projection.

并使用他们的shapefile重投影工具。在“National Grids Canada”下,您可以选择此Alberta投影。

-Jeff Tiemann jefftiemann@gmail.com

-Jeff Tiemann jefftiemann@gmail.com



You can also use http://code.google.com/p/android-openmap-framework/ which can convert an Android Location to a LatLonPoint, UTMPoint, or MGRSPoint.




You can insert your coordinates pairs to Coordinate System Transformation - online service where you can set appropriate input and desired output coordinate system. There are hundreds of coordinate systems - it is possible to simply find appropriate coordinate system using any keyword. You can see editable proj4 text definition for each coordinate system so if you need to modify any projection parametr, you can do it there. Or you can define your own custom projection...

您可以将坐标对插入到坐标系变换 - 在线服务,您可以在其中设置适当的输入和所需的输出坐标系。有数百个坐标系 - 可以使用任何关键字简单地找到合适的坐标系。您可以看到每个坐标系的可编辑proj4文本定义,因此如果您需要修改任何投影参数,您可以在那里进行。或者您可以定义自己的自定义投影......



Grab PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections library - open source library.

抓住PROJ.4制图投影库 - 开源库。

Suggested parameters for 10TM:


+proj=tmerc +lon_0=-115 +k_0=0.9992 +x_0=500000 +datum=NAD27

+ proj = tmerc + lon_0 = -115 + k_0 = 0.9992 + x_0 = 500000 + datum = NAD27

According to this post you may need to:


change the ellps to GRS80 if your 10TM data is referenced to the NAD83 datum (instead of NAD27/clrk66). You may also need to change the false northing (y_0) to be -5000000 if your 10TM coordinates for Alberta are less than 5,000,000 (an AltaLIS "standard").

如果您的10TM数据被引用到NAD83数据(而不是NAD27 / clrk66),则将椭圆更改为GRS80。如果您的Alberta的10TM坐标小于5,000,000(AltaLIS“标准”),您可能还需要将false northing(y_0)更改为-5000000。

I should mention that proj.4 is the library to get for any kind of geographic coordinate system transformation. There's pretty much no transformation it can't do.


I also recommend reading Map Projections-A Working Manual (Paperback) by John Snyder if you are into these kinds of things.. it's a classic. :) (fixed the link)

如果你喜欢这些东西,我还建议阅读John Snyder的Map Projections-A Working Manual(平装本)......这是一个经典之作。 :)(修复了链接)



I've used GDAL (http://www.gdal.org) to do this. It supports bindings for many different languages as well.




For free GIS libraries, take a look here: http://www.freegis.org/database/?cat=12. Hopefully you can find something that fits your needs.

对于免费的GIS库,请查看此处:http://www.freegis.org/database/?cat = 12。希望你能找到适合你需求的东西。



I would seriously consider using a third party dll to do this rather than code it yourself.


I don't know the full details of the 10 TM projection, but I worked on a project that required coordinate conversions between many different coordinate systems to a high degree of accuracy, including UTM and Lat/Long. We found that the maths involved was way too complicated.

我不知道10 TM投影的全部细节,但我参与了一个项目,该项目需要在许多不同坐标系之间进行坐标转换,以达到高精度,包括UTM和Lat / Long。我们发现所涉及的数学太复杂了。

Perhaps take a look at the open source PROJ.4: http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/


They seems to support a huge range of conversions, and so I hope Alberta 10 TM will be covered.

他们似乎支持大范围的转换,所以我希望Alberta 10 TM能够被覆盖。



Download the opensource GIS application MapWindow

下载opensource GIS应用程序MapWindow

Open the GIS Tools menu


And use their shapefile reprojection tool. Under "National Grids Canada" you can select this Alberta projection.

并使用他们的shapefile重投影工具。在“National Grids Canada”下,您可以选择此Alberta投影。

-Jeff Tiemann jefftiemann@gmail.com

-Jeff Tiemann jefftiemann@gmail.com



You can also use http://code.google.com/p/android-openmap-framework/ which can convert an Android Location to a LatLonPoint, UTMPoint, or MGRSPoint.




You can insert your coordinates pairs to Coordinate System Transformation - online service where you can set appropriate input and desired output coordinate system. There are hundreds of coordinate systems - it is possible to simply find appropriate coordinate system using any keyword. You can see editable proj4 text definition for each coordinate system so if you need to modify any projection parametr, you can do it there. Or you can define your own custom projection...

您可以将坐标对插入到坐标系变换 - 在线服务,您可以在其中设置适当的输入和所需的输出坐标系。有数百个坐标系 - 可以使用任何关键字简单地找到合适的坐标系。您可以看到每个坐标系的可编辑proj4文本定义,因此如果您需要修改任何投影参数,您可以在那里进行。或者您可以定义自己的自定义投影......