
时间:2022-08-08 16:03:28

I have a set of lng/lat coordinates. What would be an efficient method of calculating the greatest distance between any two points in the set (the "maximum diameter" if you will)?


A naive way is to use Haversine formula to calculate the distance between each 2 points and get the maximum, but this doesn't scale well obviously.


Edit: the points are located on a sufficiently small area, measuring the area in which a person carrying a mobile device was active in the course of a single day.


4 个解决方案



I think that the following could be a useful approximation, which scales linearly instead of quadratically with the number of points, and is quite easy to implement:


  1. calculate the center of mass M of the points
  2. 计算点的质心
  3. find the point P0 that has the maximum distance to M
  4. 找到最大距离为M的点P0。
  5. find the point P1 that has the maximum distance to P0
  6. 求到P0的最大距离的点P1
  7. approximate the maximum diameter with the distance between P0 and P1
  8. 用P0和P1之间的距离估计最大直径

This can be generalized by repeating step 3 N times, and taking the distance between PN-1 and PN


Step 1 can be carried out efficiently approximating M as the average of longitudes and latitudes, which is OK when distances are "small" and the poles are sufficiently far away. The other steps could be carried out using the exact distance formula, but they are much faster if the points' coordinates can be approximated as lying on a plane. Once the "distant pair" (hopefully the pair with the maximum distance) has been found, its distance can be re-calculated with the exact formula.


An example of approximation could be the following: if φ(M) and λ(M) are latitude and longitude of the center of mass calculated as Σφ(P)/n and Σλ(P)/n,

近似的一个例子可能是以下:如果φ(M)和λ(M)的纬度和经度质心计算Σφ(P)/ n和Σλ/ n(P),

  • x(P) = (λ(P) - λ(M) + C) cos(φ(P))
  • x(P)=(λ(P)-λ(M)+ C)因为(φ(P))
  • y(P) = φ(P) - φ(M) [ this is only for clarity, it can also simply be y(P) = φ(P) ]
  • y(P)=φ(P)-φ(M)(这只是为了清楚起见,也可以只是y(P)=φ(P))

where C is usually 0, but can be ± 360° if the set of points crosses the λ=±180° line. To find the maximum distance you simply have to find


  • max((x(PN) - x(PN-1))2 + (y(PN) - y(PN-1))2)
  • max((x(PN) - x(PN-1)))2 + (y(PN) - y(PN-1) 2)

(you don't need the square root because it is monotonic)


The same coordinate transformation could be used to repeat step 1 (in the new coordinate system) in order to have a better starting point. I suspect that if some conditions are met, the above steps (without repeating step 3) always lead to the "true distant pair" (my terminology). If I only knew which conditions...




I hate building on others' solutions, but someone will have to.


Still keeping the above 4 steps, with the optional (but probably beneficial, depending on the typical distribution of points) repetition of step 3, and following the solution of Spacedman, doing calculations in 3D overcomes the limitations of closeness and distance from poles:


  • x(P) = sin(φ(P))
  • x(P)=罪(φ(P))
  • y(P) = cos(φ(P)) sin(λ(P))
  • y(P)= cosφ(P))罪(λ(P))
  • z(P) = cos(φ(P)) cos(λ(P))
  • z(P)= cos(φ(P))因为(λ(P))

(the only approximation is that this holds only for a perfect sphere)


The center of mass is given by x(M) = Σx(P)/n, etc., and the maximum one has to look for is

质心是由x(M)=Σx(P)/ n,等,和最大的人寻找

  • max((x(PN) - x(PN-1))2 + (y(PN) - y(PN-1))2 + (z(PN) - z(PN-1))2)
  • max((x(PN)- x(PN-1))2 +(y(PN)- y(PN-1))2 +(z(PN)- z(PN-1))2)

So: you first transform spherical to cartesian coordinates, then start from the center of mass, to find, in at least two steps (steps 2 and 3), the farthest point from the preceding point. You could repeat step 3 as long as the distance increases, perhaps with a maximum number of repetitions, but this won't take you away from a local maximum. Starting from the center of mass is not of much help, either, if the points are spread all over the Earth.




I learned enough R to write down the core of the algorithm (nice language for data analysis!)


For the plane approximation, ignoring the problem around the λ=±180° line:


# input: lng, lat (vectors)
rad = pi / 180;
x = (lng - mean(lng)) * cos(lat * rad)
y = (lat - mean(lat))
i = which.max((x - mean(x))^2 + (y       )^2)
j = which.max((x - x[i]   )^2 + (y - y[i])^2)
# output: i, j (indices)

On my PC it takes less than a second to find the indices i and j for 1000000 points.
The following 3D version is a bit slower, but works for any distribution of points (and does not need to be amended when the λ=±180° line is crossed):

在我的电脑上,用不到一秒钟的时间就能找到1000点的索引i和j。下面的3 d版本是有点慢,但适用于任何分布的点(不需要修改当λ=±180°线是交叉):

# input: lng, lat
rad = pi / 180
x = sin(lat * rad)
f = cos(lat * rad)
y = sin(lng * rad) * f
z = cos(lng * rad) * f
i = which.max((x - mean(x))^2 + (y - mean(y))^2 + (z - mean(z))^2)
j = which.max((x - x[i]   )^2 + (y - y[i]   )^2 + (z - z[i]   )^2)
k = which.max((x - x[j]   )^2 + (y - y[j]   )^2 + (z - z[j]   )^2) # optional
# output: j, k (or i, j)

The calculation of k can be left out (i.e., the result could be given by i and j), depending on the data and on the requirements. On the other hand, my experiments have shown that calculating a further index is useless.


It should be remembered that, in any case, the distance between the resulting points is an estimate which is a lower bound of the "diameter" of the set, although it very often will be the diameter itself (how often depends on the data.)




Unfortunately the relative error of the plane approximation can, in extreme cases, be as much as 1-1/√3 ≅ 42.3%, which may be unacceptable, even if very rare. The algorithm can be modified in order to have an upper bound of approximately 20%, which I have derived by compass and straight-edge (the analytic solution is cumbersome). The modified algorithm finds a pair of points whith a locally maximal distance, then repeats the same steps, but this time starting from the midpoint of the first pair, possibly finding a different pair:

不幸的是飞机的相对误差近似,在极端的情况下,尽可能多的1 - 1 /√3≅42.3%,这可能是不可接受的,即使很少见。可以修改算法,使其上界约为20%,这是我用compass和直边导出的(解析解很麻烦)。改进后的算法在局部最大距离的前提下找到一对点,然后重复相同的步骤,但这次是从第一对的中点开始,可能会找到另一对:

# input: lng, lat
rad = pi / 180
x = (lng - mean(lng)) * cos(lat * rad)
y = (lat - mean(lat))
i.n_1 = 1 # n_1: n-1
x.n_1 = mean(x)
y.n_1 = 0 # = mean(y)
s.n_1 = 0 # s: square of distance
repeat {
   s = (x - x.n_1)^2 + (y - y.n_1)^2
   i.n = which.max(s)
   x.n = x[i.n]
   y.n = y[i.n]
   s.n = s[i.n]
   if (s.n <= s.n_1) break
   i.n_1 = i.n
   x.n_1 = x.n
   y.n_1 = y.n
   s.n_1 = s.n
i.m_1 = 1
x.m_1 = (x.n + x.n_1) / 2
y.m_1 = (y.n + y.n_1) / 2
s.m_1 = 0
m_ok  = TRUE
repeat {
   s = (x - x.m_1)^2 + (y - y.m_1)^2
   i.m = which.max(s)
   if (i.m == i.n || i.m == i.n_1) { m_ok = FALSE; break }
   x.m = x[i.m]
   y.m = y[i.m]
   s.m = s[i.m]
   if (s.m <= s.m_1) break
   i.m_1 = i.m
   x.m_1 = x.m
   y.m_1 = y.m
   s.m_1 = s.m
if (m_ok && s.m > s.n) {
   i = i.m
   j = i.m_1
} else {
   i = i.n
   j = i.n_1
# output: i, j

The 3D algorithm can be modified in a similar way. It is possible (both in the 2D and in the 3D case) to start over once again from the midpoint of the second pair of points (if found). The upper bound in this case is "left as an exercise for the reader" :-).


Comparison of the modified algorithm with the (too) simple algorithm has shown, for normal and for square uniform distributions, a near doubling of processing time, and a reduction of the average error from .6% to .03% (order of magnitude). A further restart from the midpoint results in an a just slightly better average error, but almost equal maximum error.




I have to study this article yet, but it looks like the 20% I found with compass and straight-edge is in fact 1-1/√(5-2√3) ≅ 19.3%

我必须学习这篇文章,但它看起来像我发现罗盘和直尺20%实际上是1 - 1 /√√以5比2(3)≅19.3%



Theorem #1: The ordering of any two great circle distances along the surface of the earth is the same as the ordering as the straight line distance between the points where you tunnel through the earth.


Hence turn your lat-long into x,y,z based either on a spherical earth of arbitrary radius or an ellipsoid of given shape parameters. That's a couple of sines/cosines per point (not per pair of points).

因此,将你的latlong转换为x,y,z,基于任意半径的球形地球或给定形状参数的椭圆体。这是每一点的两个sin /cos(不是每对点)

Now you have a standard 3-d problem that doesn't rely on computing Haversine distances. The distance between points is just Euclidean (Pythagoras in 3d). Needs a square-root and some squares, and you can leave out the square root if you only care about comparisons.


There may be fancy spatial tree data structures to help with this. Or algorithms such as http://www.tcs.fudan.edu.cn/rudolf/Courses/Algorithms/Alg_ss_07w/Webprojects/Qinbo_diameter/2d_alg.htm (click 'Next' for 3d methods). Or C++ code here: http://valis.cs.uiuc.edu/~sariel/papers/00/diameter/diam_prog.html


Once you've found your maximum distance pair, you can use the Haversine formula to get the distance along the surface for that pair.




Here's a naive example that doesn't scale well (as you say), as you say but might help with building a solution in R.


## lonlat points
n <- 100
d <- cbind(runif(n, -180, 180), runif(n, -90, 90))

## distances on WGS84 ellipsoid
x <- spDists(d, longlat = TRUE)

## row, then column index of furthest points
ind <- c(row(x)[which.max(x)], col(x)[which.max(x)])

## maps
plot(as(wrld_simpl, "SpatialLines"), col = "grey")

points(d, pch = 16, cex = 0.5)

## draw the points and a line between  on the page
points(d[ind, ], pch = 16)
lines(d[ind, ], lwd = 2)

## for extra credit, draw the great circle on which the furthest points lie

lines(greatCircle(d[ind[1], ], d[ind[2], ]), col = "firebrick")


The geosphere package provides more options for distance calculation if that's needed. See ?spDists in sp for the details used here.




You don't tell us whether these points will be located in a sufficiently small part of the globe. For truly global sets of points, my first guess would be running a naive O(n^2) algorithm, possibly getting performance boost with some spatial indexing (R*-trees, octal-trees etc.). The idea is to pre-generate an n*(n-1) list of the triangle in the distance matrix and feed it in chunks to a fast distance library to minimize I/O and process churn. Haversine is fine, you could also do it with Vincenty's method (the greatest contributor to running time is quadratic complexity, not the (fixed number of) iterations in Vincenty's formula). As a side note, in fact, you don't need R for this stuff.

你不会告诉我们这些点是否会在地球上足够小的地方。的真正意义上的全球集合点,我第一次想将运行一个天真的O(n ^ 2)算法,可能获得性能提升与一些空间索引(R *—树木,octal-trees等等)。其思想是预生成距离矩阵中三角形的n*(n-1)列表,并将其以块的形式提供给快速距离库,以最小化I/O和进程流变。Haversine还可以,您也可以使用Vincenty的方法(运行时间的最大贡献是二次复杂度,而不是Vincenty公式中的(固定数量的)迭代)。顺便说一句,事实上,这个东西不需要R。

EDIT #2: The Barequet-Har-Peled algorithm (as pointed at by Spacedman in his reply) has O((n+1/(e^3))log(1/e)) complexity for e>0, and is worth exploring.

编辑# 2:Barequet-Har-Peled算法(以Spacedman指着他的回答)有O(n + 1 /(e ^ 3)日志(1 / e)为e > 0的复杂性,值得探索。

For the quasi-planar problem, this is known as "diameter of convex hull" and has three parts:


  1. Computing convex hull with Graham's scan which is O(n*log(n)) - in fact, one should try transforming points into a transverse Mercator projection (using the centroid of the points in data set).
  2. 计算凸壳与格雷厄姆的扫描,即O(n*log(n)) -事实上,应该尝试将点转化为横切的墨卡托投影(使用数据集中的点的质心)。
  3. Finding antipodal points by Rotating Calipers algorithm - linear O(n).
  4. 用旋转卡尺算法求反足点——线性O(n)。
  5. Finding the largest distance among all antipodal pairs - linear search, O(n).
  6. 求出所有反波对的最大距离——线性搜索,O(n)。

The link with pseudo-code and discussion: http://fredfsh.com/2013/05/03/convex-hull-and-its-diameter/

伪代码链接和讨论:http://fredfsh.com/2013/05/03/convex hull- its-diameter/

See also the discussion on a related question here: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/17358/how-can-i-find-the-farthest-point-from-a-set-of-existing-points

在这里还可以看到关于一个相关问题的讨论:https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/17358/how-can-i-find the far -from-a set- being -points

EDIT: Spacedman's solution pointed me to the Malandain-Boissonnat algorithm (see the paper in pdf here). However, this is worse or the same as the bruteforce naive O(n^2) algorithm.

编辑:Spacedman的解决方案将我指向Malandain-Boissonnat算法(请参阅pdf文件)。然而,这是一样的还是坏bruteforce天真O(n ^ 2)算法。



I think that the following could be a useful approximation, which scales linearly instead of quadratically with the number of points, and is quite easy to implement:


  1. calculate the center of mass M of the points
  2. 计算点的质心
  3. find the point P0 that has the maximum distance to M
  4. 找到最大距离为M的点P0。
  5. find the point P1 that has the maximum distance to P0
  6. 求到P0的最大距离的点P1
  7. approximate the maximum diameter with the distance between P0 and P1
  8. 用P0和P1之间的距离估计最大直径

This can be generalized by repeating step 3 N times, and taking the distance between PN-1 and PN


Step 1 can be carried out efficiently approximating M as the average of longitudes and latitudes, which is OK when distances are "small" and the poles are sufficiently far away. The other steps could be carried out using the exact distance formula, but they are much faster if the points' coordinates can be approximated as lying on a plane. Once the "distant pair" (hopefully the pair with the maximum distance) has been found, its distance can be re-calculated with the exact formula.


An example of approximation could be the following: if φ(M) and λ(M) are latitude and longitude of the center of mass calculated as Σφ(P)/n and Σλ(P)/n,

近似的一个例子可能是以下:如果φ(M)和λ(M)的纬度和经度质心计算Σφ(P)/ n和Σλ/ n(P),

  • x(P) = (λ(P) - λ(M) + C) cos(φ(P))
  • x(P)=(λ(P)-λ(M)+ C)因为(φ(P))
  • y(P) = φ(P) - φ(M) [ this is only for clarity, it can also simply be y(P) = φ(P) ]
  • y(P)=φ(P)-φ(M)(这只是为了清楚起见,也可以只是y(P)=φ(P))

where C is usually 0, but can be ± 360° if the set of points crosses the λ=±180° line. To find the maximum distance you simply have to find


  • max((x(PN) - x(PN-1))2 + (y(PN) - y(PN-1))2)
  • max((x(PN) - x(PN-1)))2 + (y(PN) - y(PN-1) 2)

(you don't need the square root because it is monotonic)


The same coordinate transformation could be used to repeat step 1 (in the new coordinate system) in order to have a better starting point. I suspect that if some conditions are met, the above steps (without repeating step 3) always lead to the "true distant pair" (my terminology). If I only knew which conditions...




I hate building on others' solutions, but someone will have to.


Still keeping the above 4 steps, with the optional (but probably beneficial, depending on the typical distribution of points) repetition of step 3, and following the solution of Spacedman, doing calculations in 3D overcomes the limitations of closeness and distance from poles:


  • x(P) = sin(φ(P))
  • x(P)=罪(φ(P))
  • y(P) = cos(φ(P)) sin(λ(P))
  • y(P)= cosφ(P))罪(λ(P))
  • z(P) = cos(φ(P)) cos(λ(P))
  • z(P)= cos(φ(P))因为(λ(P))

(the only approximation is that this holds only for a perfect sphere)


The center of mass is given by x(M) = Σx(P)/n, etc., and the maximum one has to look for is

质心是由x(M)=Σx(P)/ n,等,和最大的人寻找

  • max((x(PN) - x(PN-1))2 + (y(PN) - y(PN-1))2 + (z(PN) - z(PN-1))2)
  • max((x(PN)- x(PN-1))2 +(y(PN)- y(PN-1))2 +(z(PN)- z(PN-1))2)

So: you first transform spherical to cartesian coordinates, then start from the center of mass, to find, in at least two steps (steps 2 and 3), the farthest point from the preceding point. You could repeat step 3 as long as the distance increases, perhaps with a maximum number of repetitions, but this won't take you away from a local maximum. Starting from the center of mass is not of much help, either, if the points are spread all over the Earth.




I learned enough R to write down the core of the algorithm (nice language for data analysis!)


For the plane approximation, ignoring the problem around the λ=±180° line:


# input: lng, lat (vectors)
rad = pi / 180;
x = (lng - mean(lng)) * cos(lat * rad)
y = (lat - mean(lat))
i = which.max((x - mean(x))^2 + (y       )^2)
j = which.max((x - x[i]   )^2 + (y - y[i])^2)
# output: i, j (indices)

On my PC it takes less than a second to find the indices i and j for 1000000 points.
The following 3D version is a bit slower, but works for any distribution of points (and does not need to be amended when the λ=±180° line is crossed):

在我的电脑上,用不到一秒钟的时间就能找到1000点的索引i和j。下面的3 d版本是有点慢,但适用于任何分布的点(不需要修改当λ=±180°线是交叉):

# input: lng, lat
rad = pi / 180
x = sin(lat * rad)
f = cos(lat * rad)
y = sin(lng * rad) * f
z = cos(lng * rad) * f
i = which.max((x - mean(x))^2 + (y - mean(y))^2 + (z - mean(z))^2)
j = which.max((x - x[i]   )^2 + (y - y[i]   )^2 + (z - z[i]   )^2)
k = which.max((x - x[j]   )^2 + (y - y[j]   )^2 + (z - z[j]   )^2) # optional
# output: j, k (or i, j)

The calculation of k can be left out (i.e., the result could be given by i and j), depending on the data and on the requirements. On the other hand, my experiments have shown that calculating a further index is useless.


It should be remembered that, in any case, the distance between the resulting points is an estimate which is a lower bound of the "diameter" of the set, although it very often will be the diameter itself (how often depends on the data.)




Unfortunately the relative error of the plane approximation can, in extreme cases, be as much as 1-1/√3 ≅ 42.3%, which may be unacceptable, even if very rare. The algorithm can be modified in order to have an upper bound of approximately 20%, which I have derived by compass and straight-edge (the analytic solution is cumbersome). The modified algorithm finds a pair of points whith a locally maximal distance, then repeats the same steps, but this time starting from the midpoint of the first pair, possibly finding a different pair:

不幸的是飞机的相对误差近似,在极端的情况下,尽可能多的1 - 1 /√3≅42.3%,这可能是不可接受的,即使很少见。可以修改算法,使其上界约为20%,这是我用compass和直边导出的(解析解很麻烦)。改进后的算法在局部最大距离的前提下找到一对点,然后重复相同的步骤,但这次是从第一对的中点开始,可能会找到另一对:

# input: lng, lat
rad = pi / 180
x = (lng - mean(lng)) * cos(lat * rad)
y = (lat - mean(lat))
i.n_1 = 1 # n_1: n-1
x.n_1 = mean(x)
y.n_1 = 0 # = mean(y)
s.n_1 = 0 # s: square of distance
repeat {
   s = (x - x.n_1)^2 + (y - y.n_1)^2
   i.n = which.max(s)
   x.n = x[i.n]
   y.n = y[i.n]
   s.n = s[i.n]
   if (s.n <= s.n_1) break
   i.n_1 = i.n
   x.n_1 = x.n
   y.n_1 = y.n
   s.n_1 = s.n
i.m_1 = 1
x.m_1 = (x.n + x.n_1) / 2
y.m_1 = (y.n + y.n_1) / 2
s.m_1 = 0
m_ok  = TRUE
repeat {
   s = (x - x.m_1)^2 + (y - y.m_1)^2
   i.m = which.max(s)
   if (i.m == i.n || i.m == i.n_1) { m_ok = FALSE; break }
   x.m = x[i.m]
   y.m = y[i.m]
   s.m = s[i.m]
   if (s.m <= s.m_1) break
   i.m_1 = i.m
   x.m_1 = x.m
   y.m_1 = y.m
   s.m_1 = s.m
if (m_ok && s.m > s.n) {
   i = i.m
   j = i.m_1
} else {
   i = i.n
   j = i.n_1
# output: i, j

The 3D algorithm can be modified in a similar way. It is possible (both in the 2D and in the 3D case) to start over once again from the midpoint of the second pair of points (if found). The upper bound in this case is "left as an exercise for the reader" :-).


Comparison of the modified algorithm with the (too) simple algorithm has shown, for normal and for square uniform distributions, a near doubling of processing time, and a reduction of the average error from .6% to .03% (order of magnitude). A further restart from the midpoint results in an a just slightly better average error, but almost equal maximum error.




I have to study this article yet, but it looks like the 20% I found with compass and straight-edge is in fact 1-1/√(5-2√3) ≅ 19.3%

我必须学习这篇文章,但它看起来像我发现罗盘和直尺20%实际上是1 - 1 /√√以5比2(3)≅19.3%



Theorem #1: The ordering of any two great circle distances along the surface of the earth is the same as the ordering as the straight line distance between the points where you tunnel through the earth.


Hence turn your lat-long into x,y,z based either on a spherical earth of arbitrary radius or an ellipsoid of given shape parameters. That's a couple of sines/cosines per point (not per pair of points).

因此,将你的latlong转换为x,y,z,基于任意半径的球形地球或给定形状参数的椭圆体。这是每一点的两个sin /cos(不是每对点)

Now you have a standard 3-d problem that doesn't rely on computing Haversine distances. The distance between points is just Euclidean (Pythagoras in 3d). Needs a square-root and some squares, and you can leave out the square root if you only care about comparisons.


There may be fancy spatial tree data structures to help with this. Or algorithms such as http://www.tcs.fudan.edu.cn/rudolf/Courses/Algorithms/Alg_ss_07w/Webprojects/Qinbo_diameter/2d_alg.htm (click 'Next' for 3d methods). Or C++ code here: http://valis.cs.uiuc.edu/~sariel/papers/00/diameter/diam_prog.html


Once you've found your maximum distance pair, you can use the Haversine formula to get the distance along the surface for that pair.




Here's a naive example that doesn't scale well (as you say), as you say but might help with building a solution in R.


## lonlat points
n <- 100
d <- cbind(runif(n, -180, 180), runif(n, -90, 90))

## distances on WGS84 ellipsoid
x <- spDists(d, longlat = TRUE)

## row, then column index of furthest points
ind <- c(row(x)[which.max(x)], col(x)[which.max(x)])

## maps
plot(as(wrld_simpl, "SpatialLines"), col = "grey")

points(d, pch = 16, cex = 0.5)

## draw the points and a line between  on the page
points(d[ind, ], pch = 16)
lines(d[ind, ], lwd = 2)

## for extra credit, draw the great circle on which the furthest points lie

lines(greatCircle(d[ind[1], ], d[ind[2], ]), col = "firebrick")


The geosphere package provides more options for distance calculation if that's needed. See ?spDists in sp for the details used here.




You don't tell us whether these points will be located in a sufficiently small part of the globe. For truly global sets of points, my first guess would be running a naive O(n^2) algorithm, possibly getting performance boost with some spatial indexing (R*-trees, octal-trees etc.). The idea is to pre-generate an n*(n-1) list of the triangle in the distance matrix and feed it in chunks to a fast distance library to minimize I/O and process churn. Haversine is fine, you could also do it with Vincenty's method (the greatest contributor to running time is quadratic complexity, not the (fixed number of) iterations in Vincenty's formula). As a side note, in fact, you don't need R for this stuff.

你不会告诉我们这些点是否会在地球上足够小的地方。的真正意义上的全球集合点,我第一次想将运行一个天真的O(n ^ 2)算法,可能获得性能提升与一些空间索引(R *—树木,octal-trees等等)。其思想是预生成距离矩阵中三角形的n*(n-1)列表,并将其以块的形式提供给快速距离库,以最小化I/O和进程流变。Haversine还可以,您也可以使用Vincenty的方法(运行时间的最大贡献是二次复杂度,而不是Vincenty公式中的(固定数量的)迭代)。顺便说一句,事实上,这个东西不需要R。

EDIT #2: The Barequet-Har-Peled algorithm (as pointed at by Spacedman in his reply) has O((n+1/(e^3))log(1/e)) complexity for e>0, and is worth exploring.

编辑# 2:Barequet-Har-Peled算法(以Spacedman指着他的回答)有O(n + 1 /(e ^ 3)日志(1 / e)为e > 0的复杂性,值得探索。

For the quasi-planar problem, this is known as "diameter of convex hull" and has three parts:


  1. Computing convex hull with Graham's scan which is O(n*log(n)) - in fact, one should try transforming points into a transverse Mercator projection (using the centroid of the points in data set).
  2. 计算凸壳与格雷厄姆的扫描,即O(n*log(n)) -事实上,应该尝试将点转化为横切的墨卡托投影(使用数据集中的点的质心)。
  3. Finding antipodal points by Rotating Calipers algorithm - linear O(n).
  4. 用旋转卡尺算法求反足点——线性O(n)。
  5. Finding the largest distance among all antipodal pairs - linear search, O(n).
  6. 求出所有反波对的最大距离——线性搜索,O(n)。

The link with pseudo-code and discussion: http://fredfsh.com/2013/05/03/convex-hull-and-its-diameter/

伪代码链接和讨论:http://fredfsh.com/2013/05/03/convex hull- its-diameter/

See also the discussion on a related question here: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/17358/how-can-i-find-the-farthest-point-from-a-set-of-existing-points

在这里还可以看到关于一个相关问题的讨论:https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/17358/how-can-i-find the far -from-a set- being -points

EDIT: Spacedman's solution pointed me to the Malandain-Boissonnat algorithm (see the paper in pdf here). However, this is worse or the same as the bruteforce naive O(n^2) algorithm.

编辑:Spacedman的解决方案将我指向Malandain-Boissonnat算法(请参阅pdf文件)。然而,这是一样的还是坏bruteforce天真O(n ^ 2)算法。