从Excel到SQL Server的数据导入失败,无法导入所有数据

时间:2021-11-02 16:03:25

I have an odd thing happening with importing data from Excel to SQL Server using the Import and Export Data tool.


The short of it is that I can see the data in Excel, but all of the data doesn’t import.


I have an excel workbook containing one spreadsheet. I can see the data in the columns and everything looks good. When I use the import wizard to import the data, I can see the columns and the preview data, but the data doesn’t all get transferred over when the import is executed. There are no errors and the import process finishes – it just inserts a bunch of null values into the table.


It seems to happen most with numbers – so let’s say I have three columns for first name, last name, and ID number. I’ll get all of the first and last names, and some of the ID numbers. I can’t find a pattern for what’s happening.


I had this happen once before and I noticed that there were two spreadsheets to choose from during the import process: DataImport and DataImport$ - and the first one would fail as described above and the second one would import flawlessly. This time there is only one spreadsheet to select.


I’m mainly using an XLS document and the 32-bit import wizard on a 64-bit system, but I’m willing to try anything.


Any ideas of why there are two spreadsheets (sometimes) and why this import would fail?




9 个解决方案



The answer to your question might involve the HOW data is stored in Excel.


I just ran into the same problem. I had a column containing two types of values: numeric and numeric with a dash. (ex. 51000 and 2009-00949) I needed to import them as either NVARCHAR or VARCHAR, but the SQL import wizard (SQL2005) would only import the numerics and not the numerics with a dash or the numerics with a dash and not the numerics, depending on which type was in the first record. The values which were not imported would have a 'null' value in the field, rendering my records useless.

我遇到了同样的问题。我有一个列包含两种类型的值:带破折号的数值和数值。(前。51000年和2009 - 00949年)我需要导入它们为NVARCHAR或VARCHAR,但是SQL import向导(SQL2005)只会导入数字而不是数字破折号或少量而不是数字的数字,这取决于类型的记录。未导入的值将在字段中具有“null”值,这将使我的记录无效。

I tried using the Format|Cells menu option in Excel (numeric, text, general, etc) and various mapping options in SQL (nvar, nvarchar, varchar, sqlvariant, float) without success.


The solution was to use the Data|Text To Columns option in Excel, not the cell formatting option to store the numeric value as text. When I used this on the column, the numeric values (ex. 51000) converted to numbers stored as a text value (little green triangle error appeared in the upper left corner), the numerics with a dash remained as text. I had to leave the data in this format, with the little green triangle error, otherwise it would not successfully import to SQL. When the data in the column was stored in this format, the two types of column data (numeric and numeric with a dash) imported correctly with the other record data, no null values in the column.




My issue was that the file that I was importing was an older and somewhat maligned excel file. I opened up the file and saved it as a .xlsx and the file imported successfully with no null data after that.




I was able to solve the problem by sorting the data so that the text data was on top. That way SQL Server knew it was text data, not numeric data.

我可以通过对数据进行排序来解决这个问题,这样文本数据就在顶部。这样,SQL Server就知道它是文本数据,而不是数字数据。



You're using the Import wizard, no? Click on Edit Mappings on the "Select Source Tables and Views" page of the wizard, and check the Type, Nullable, and Size columns for each source column. It sounds like something's not getting mapped properly.




Most probably that supposedly blank row causing Sql Server to ignore the rest of the data. Bu to be sure could you share the schema of the excel file and the first five rows? The correct three and the next two records.

大多数情况下,可能是空白行导致Sql Server忽略其他数据。Bu确定您是否可以共享excel文件的模式和前五行?正确的3和后面的2条记录。



Select all rows of that column and change type to Text in excel then Select the whole column and change the type to Text Will definitely work.




I am also having the issue. The only way that I was able to resolve it was to save the .xlsx files as .csv files and then use the .csv files into the SQL Server "Import Data".


It would seem that the integration between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SQL Server would be cleaner.

微软Excel和微软SQL Server之间的集成看起来会更简洁。

My versions are: Excel 2013. SQL Server 2012.

我的版本是:Excel 2013。SQL Server 2012。



I faced exactly the same issue Using .xlsx file solved my problem.




Finally formatting cells to general worked for me where there is numeric value, earlier it was showing %s but now it is solved.




The answer to your question might involve the HOW data is stored in Excel.


I just ran into the same problem. I had a column containing two types of values: numeric and numeric with a dash. (ex. 51000 and 2009-00949) I needed to import them as either NVARCHAR or VARCHAR, but the SQL import wizard (SQL2005) would only import the numerics and not the numerics with a dash or the numerics with a dash and not the numerics, depending on which type was in the first record. The values which were not imported would have a 'null' value in the field, rendering my records useless.

我遇到了同样的问题。我有一个列包含两种类型的值:带破折号的数值和数值。(前。51000年和2009 - 00949年)我需要导入它们为NVARCHAR或VARCHAR,但是SQL import向导(SQL2005)只会导入数字而不是数字破折号或少量而不是数字的数字,这取决于类型的记录。未导入的值将在字段中具有“null”值,这将使我的记录无效。

I tried using the Format|Cells menu option in Excel (numeric, text, general, etc) and various mapping options in SQL (nvar, nvarchar, varchar, sqlvariant, float) without success.


The solution was to use the Data|Text To Columns option in Excel, not the cell formatting option to store the numeric value as text. When I used this on the column, the numeric values (ex. 51000) converted to numbers stored as a text value (little green triangle error appeared in the upper left corner), the numerics with a dash remained as text. I had to leave the data in this format, with the little green triangle error, otherwise it would not successfully import to SQL. When the data in the column was stored in this format, the two types of column data (numeric and numeric with a dash) imported correctly with the other record data, no null values in the column.




My issue was that the file that I was importing was an older and somewhat maligned excel file. I opened up the file and saved it as a .xlsx and the file imported successfully with no null data after that.




I was able to solve the problem by sorting the data so that the text data was on top. That way SQL Server knew it was text data, not numeric data.

我可以通过对数据进行排序来解决这个问题,这样文本数据就在顶部。这样,SQL Server就知道它是文本数据,而不是数字数据。



You're using the Import wizard, no? Click on Edit Mappings on the "Select Source Tables and Views" page of the wizard, and check the Type, Nullable, and Size columns for each source column. It sounds like something's not getting mapped properly.




Most probably that supposedly blank row causing Sql Server to ignore the rest of the data. Bu to be sure could you share the schema of the excel file and the first five rows? The correct three and the next two records.

大多数情况下,可能是空白行导致Sql Server忽略其他数据。Bu确定您是否可以共享excel文件的模式和前五行?正确的3和后面的2条记录。



Select all rows of that column and change type to Text in excel then Select the whole column and change the type to Text Will definitely work.




I am also having the issue. The only way that I was able to resolve it was to save the .xlsx files as .csv files and then use the .csv files into the SQL Server "Import Data".


It would seem that the integration between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft SQL Server would be cleaner.

微软Excel和微软SQL Server之间的集成看起来会更简洁。

My versions are: Excel 2013. SQL Server 2012.

我的版本是:Excel 2013。SQL Server 2012。



I faced exactly the same issue Using .xlsx file solved my problem.




Finally formatting cells to general worked for me where there is numeric value, earlier it was showing %s but now it is solved.
