如何将整个列从Access数据库导入Visual Studio?

时间:2021-11-27 15:38:46

In my database, I have a column called "Names". I imported my database onto visual studio, and using Visual Basic, I want to be able to import all of the elements of the column "Names" into a combo-box called "rec", but I can't figure it out. I'm only 16 and new at this, so please be kind.

在我的数据库中,我有一个名为“Names”的列。我将我的数据库导入visual studio,并使用Visual Basic,我希望能够将“Names”列的所有元素导入到名为“rec”的组合框中,但我无法弄明白。我只有16岁了,所以请善待。

1 个解决方案



If it's Excel to vb. Just cut from Excel and paste into the database. Make sure it's the same data type. I did this with baseball stats for an entire season and it worked.




If it's Excel to vb. Just cut from Excel and paste into the database. Make sure it's the same data type. I did this with baseball stats for an entire season and it worked.
