I have an expenditures subform in Access 2010 that lists the predicted costs associated with the project for each year. Most projects only have one year, but some have more than one. Each cost has a Final checkbox next to it that should be checked when the amount is confirmed, ie. at the end of each year.
我在Access 2010中有一个支出子表单,其中列出了与每年项目相关的预测成本。大多数项目只有一年,但有些项目不止一个。每个成本旁边都有一个Final复选框,应该在确认金额时进行检查,即。在每年年底。
It basically looks something like this:
Year | Cost | Final
2017 | $100 | [checked box]
2018 | $200 | [unchecked box]
| | [unchecked box]
I have another field outside the table, FinalCost, that adds up everything in the Cost field. Right now, it fills in the amount from any year which has a checked Final box. That should only be filled when all the Final boxes are checked.
Ex. Right now, it should show nothing even though Final for 2017 is checked. When 2018 is checked, it should show $300. Instead, it shows $100 even though there's still an empty checkbox.
This is the code for this form.
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs1, rs2 As Recordset
Dim sql, sql2 As String
sql = "SELECT Sum(Amount) as Final From Expenditures " & _
"Where ProjNo = '" + Me.ProjNo + "' And Final = True Group by ProjNo"
sql2 = "SELECT FinalExpenditure From ActivityCash " & _
"Where ProjNo = '" + Me.ProjNo + "'"
Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenDynaset, dpinconsistent)
Set rs2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql2, dbOpenDynaset, dpinconsistent)
If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then
If rs2.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While Not rs2.EOF
rs2!FinalExpenditure = rs1!Final
End If
End If
Set rs1 = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
End Sub
What would be the best way to go about doing this?
EDIT: When the last box is checked, a new row is automatically added with an untoggled checkbox but no information.
4 个解决方案
Replace the statement beginning with sql = ...
with this:
用以下代码替换以sql = ...开头的语句:
sql = "SELECT SUM(e1.Amount) AS Final " & _
" FROM Expenditures AS e1 " & _
" WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM Expenditures e2 WHERE e2.Final=0 AND e1.ProjNo = e2.ProjNo) " & _
" AND e1.ProjNo = '" & Me.ProjNo & "'"
This query will return data only if there are all expeditures for the project marked as final. As you check for rs1.RecordCount > 0
there will be no update if this query returns no records.
仅当项目的所有项目都标记为最终时,此查询才会返回数据。当您检查rs1.RecordCount> 0时,如果此查询未返回任何记录,则不会更新。
So, before sql
, I would verify that all records have True
in your Final
To do that, let's just return a COUNT()
of (any) records that have Final = False
, and we can then decide to do what we want.
要做到这一点,让我们只返回一个COUNT()的(任何)具有Final = False的记录,然后我们就可以决定做我们想要的了。
So, something like,
Dim Test as Integer
test = DCount("*", "YourTableName", "Final = False AND ProjNo = " & Me.ProjNo &"")
If test > 0 Then
'Don't fill the box
'Fill the box, everything is True
'Read through your recordsets or whatever else you need to do
End If
To use a query, we essentially need to replicate the Dcount()
functionality. To do this, we need another Recordset
variable, and we need to check the value of the Count()
field from our query.
Create a query that mimicks this:
SELECT COUNT(*) As CountTest
FROM YourTable
HAVING Final = False
AND ProjNo = whateverprojectnumberyou'reusing
Save it, and remember that query's name.
Much like the DCount()
, we need to make this "check" determine the route of your code.
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("YourQuery'sNameHere")
If rst!CountTest > 0 Then
'They are not all Checked (aka True)
'Supply the value to the FinalCost
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Change this:
sql = "SELECT Sum(Amount) as Final From Expenditures " & _
"Where ProjNo = '" + Me.ProjNo + "' And Final = True Group by ProjNo"
For this:
"SELECT SUM(Amount) - SUM(IIF(Final,1,0)*Amount) as YetToConfirm, SUM(Amount) as Confirmed From Expenditures " & _
"Where ProjNo = '" + Me.ProjNo + "' Group by ProjNo"
rs1 will return two values, the total value if all costs were confirmed in the rs1!Confirmed
, and the value yet to confirm in rs1!YetToConfirm
Then here:
Do While Not rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = rs1!Final rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
做的不是rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = rs1!Final rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
change it to:
Do While Not rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = Iif(rs1!YetToConfirm = 0, rs1!Confirmed, 0) rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
做的不是rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = Iif(rs1!YetToConfirm = 0,rs1!确认,0)rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
One way to process this would be check using a subquery whether last year(verified using a dmax function) in each project has been checked in the final column, if this is true, get your sum of checked amounts, else dont calculate the sum.
I have modified your sql string to include this and I tested it against your given example to confirm its showing a sum of $300 or nothing.
SQL = ""
SQL = SQL & " SELECT Sum(Amount) as Final From Expenditures "
SQL = SQL & " Where ProjNo = '" & Me.ProjNo & "' And Final = True "
SQL = SQL & " And (SELECT Expenditures.Final FROM Expenditures where year = ( "
SQL = SQL & " DMax('Year','Expenditures','ProjNo= " & Chr(34) & Me.ProjNo & Chr(34) & "'))) = true "
SQL = SQL & " Group by ProjNo "
Replace the statement beginning with sql = ...
with this:
用以下代码替换以sql = ...开头的语句:
sql = "SELECT SUM(e1.Amount) AS Final " & _
" FROM Expenditures AS e1 " & _
" WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM Expenditures e2 WHERE e2.Final=0 AND e1.ProjNo = e2.ProjNo) " & _
" AND e1.ProjNo = '" & Me.ProjNo & "'"
This query will return data only if there are all expeditures for the project marked as final. As you check for rs1.RecordCount > 0
there will be no update if this query returns no records.
仅当项目的所有项目都标记为最终时,此查询才会返回数据。当您检查rs1.RecordCount> 0时,如果此查询未返回任何记录,则不会更新。
So, before sql
, I would verify that all records have True
in your Final
To do that, let's just return a COUNT()
of (any) records that have Final = False
, and we can then decide to do what we want.
要做到这一点,让我们只返回一个COUNT()的(任何)具有Final = False的记录,然后我们就可以决定做我们想要的了。
So, something like,
Dim Test as Integer
test = DCount("*", "YourTableName", "Final = False AND ProjNo = " & Me.ProjNo &"")
If test > 0 Then
'Don't fill the box
'Fill the box, everything is True
'Read through your recordsets or whatever else you need to do
End If
To use a query, we essentially need to replicate the Dcount()
functionality. To do this, we need another Recordset
variable, and we need to check the value of the Count()
field from our query.
Create a query that mimicks this:
SELECT COUNT(*) As CountTest
FROM YourTable
HAVING Final = False
AND ProjNo = whateverprojectnumberyou'reusing
Save it, and remember that query's name.
Much like the DCount()
, we need to make this "check" determine the route of your code.
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("YourQuery'sNameHere")
If rst!CountTest > 0 Then
'They are not all Checked (aka True)
'Supply the value to the FinalCost
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Change this:
sql = "SELECT Sum(Amount) as Final From Expenditures " & _
"Where ProjNo = '" + Me.ProjNo + "' And Final = True Group by ProjNo"
For this:
"SELECT SUM(Amount) - SUM(IIF(Final,1,0)*Amount) as YetToConfirm, SUM(Amount) as Confirmed From Expenditures " & _
"Where ProjNo = '" + Me.ProjNo + "' Group by ProjNo"
rs1 will return two values, the total value if all costs were confirmed in the rs1!Confirmed
, and the value yet to confirm in rs1!YetToConfirm
Then here:
Do While Not rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = rs1!Final rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
做的不是rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = rs1!Final rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
change it to:
Do While Not rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = Iif(rs1!YetToConfirm = 0, rs1!Confirmed, 0) rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
做的不是rs2.EOF rs2.Edit rs2!FinalExpenditure = Iif(rs1!YetToConfirm = 0,rs1!确认,0)rs2.Update rs2.MoveNext Loop
One way to process this would be check using a subquery whether last year(verified using a dmax function) in each project has been checked in the final column, if this is true, get your sum of checked amounts, else dont calculate the sum.
I have modified your sql string to include this and I tested it against your given example to confirm its showing a sum of $300 or nothing.
SQL = ""
SQL = SQL & " SELECT Sum(Amount) as Final From Expenditures "
SQL = SQL & " Where ProjNo = '" & Me.ProjNo & "' And Final = True "
SQL = SQL & " And (SELECT Expenditures.Final FROM Expenditures where year = ( "
SQL = SQL & " DMax('Year','Expenditures','ProjNo= " & Chr(34) & Me.ProjNo & Chr(34) & "'))) = true "
SQL = SQL & " Group by ProjNo "