如何将已发布的Web应用程序从azure导入到visual studio for web

时间:2021-07-22 02:43:47

How do I download a copy of my published Web application from azure to visual studio for web or windows ? I am using visual studio for web 2013 and also have visual studio desktop app 2015.

如何将我发布的Web应用程序的副本从azure下载到visual studio for web或windows?我正在使用visual studio for web 2013,还有2015年的visual studio桌面应用程序。

Kindly help.. I also cant find the option -> File -> open -> Web site from azure websites.. option in visual studio desktop app 2015.

请帮助..我也无法在Visual Studio桌面应用程序2015中找到选项 - >文件 - >打开 - >来自azure网站的网站..选项。

1 个解决方案



If your web application is deployed in Azure web applications then you can get your code by FTP or sFTP. OR if your web application is deployed as a cloud service then you can get your code by connecting to your instance and get your code and open it as a website on your visual studio.

如果您的Web应用程序部署在Azure Web应用程序中,那么您可以通过FTP或sFTP获取代码。或者,如果您的Web应用程序部署为云服务,则可以通过连接到您的实例获取代码并获取代码并将其作为Visual Studio上的网站打开。



If your web application is deployed in Azure web applications then you can get your code by FTP or sFTP. OR if your web application is deployed as a cloud service then you can get your code by connecting to your instance and get your code and open it as a website on your visual studio.

如果您的Web应用程序部署在Azure Web应用程序中,那么您可以通过FTP或sFTP获取代码。或者,如果您的Web应用程序部署为云服务,则可以通过连接到您的实例获取代码并获取代码并将其作为Visual Studio上的网站打开。