
时间:2021-02-03 15:29:37

Will hql give you compile time errors like criteria query?


I remember hearing that one of the methods doesn't (besides raw SQL).


4 个解决方案


The short answer is no. Since HQL is essentially a string, you need an IDE to parse it and figure out if you're doing something wrong.



No query build in Hibernate, neither HQLs nor Critieras, will produce compile time errors. Nevertheless you can use the NamedQuery annotation to declare your static HQL queries in a static way. This will provide caching and validity checks when starting your application because hibernate's session factory will read all NamedQueries on first startup.



HQL wil not give you compile time errors, as it is only treated as a string at compile time. What do you mean with 'like criteria query'?

HQL不会给你编译时错误,因为它在编译时只被视为一个字符串。 “喜欢标准查询”是什么意思?


Criteria queries may not give you compile time errors, something like this will error


ICriteria crit = sess.CreateCriteria(typeof(Cat));
crit.SetMaxResults("50"); /* wrong parameter type */
List cats = crit.List();

Something like this will not


IList cats = sess.CreateCriteria(typeof(Cat))
.Add( Expression.Like("Naem", "Fritz%") ) /* misspelled property */
.Add( Expression.Between("Weight", minWeight, maxWeight) )


The short answer is no. Since HQL is essentially a string, you need an IDE to parse it and figure out if you're doing something wrong.



No query build in Hibernate, neither HQLs nor Critieras, will produce compile time errors. Nevertheless you can use the NamedQuery annotation to declare your static HQL queries in a static way. This will provide caching and validity checks when starting your application because hibernate's session factory will read all NamedQueries on first startup.



HQL wil not give you compile time errors, as it is only treated as a string at compile time. What do you mean with 'like criteria query'?

HQL不会给你编译时错误,因为它在编译时只被视为一个字符串。 “喜欢标准查询”是什么意思?


Criteria queries may not give you compile time errors, something like this will error


ICriteria crit = sess.CreateCriteria(typeof(Cat));
crit.SetMaxResults("50"); /* wrong parameter type */
List cats = crit.List();

Something like this will not


IList cats = sess.CreateCriteria(typeof(Cat))
.Add( Expression.Like("Naem", "Fritz%") ) /* misspelled property */
.Add( Expression.Between("Weight", minWeight, maxWeight) )