从Outlook下载附件,并使用Google Cloud Dataflow将其存储在Google云端存储中

时间:2022-05-16 15:21:35

I have written a Java code using Java Mail API which downloads attachments from a specified mailbox.I want to store these attachments to some bucket in Google Cloud Storage.How can I do that using Google Cloud Dataflow?

我使用Java Mail API编写了一个Java代码,用于下载指定邮箱中的附件。我想将这些附件存储到Google Cloud Storage中的某个存储桶中。如何使用Google Cloud Dataflow执行此操作?

1 个解决方案



In principle, a task like this can be accomplished in Dataflow by having a batch pipeline that interacts with Custom Sources and Sinks. Keep in mind that your source should support splitting into multiple parts, in order to benefit from parallel execution in the cloud.

原则上,通过使用与Custom Sources和Sinks交互的批处理管道,可以在Dataflow中完成这样的任务。请记住,您的源应支持拆分为多个部分,以便从云中的并行执行中受益。



In principle, a task like this can be accomplished in Dataflow by having a batch pipeline that interacts with Custom Sources and Sinks. Keep in mind that your source should support splitting into multiple parts, in order to benefit from parallel execution in the cloud.

原则上,通过使用与Custom Sources和Sinks交互的批处理管道,可以在Dataflow中完成这样的任务。请记住,您的源应支持拆分为多个部分,以便从云中的并行执行中受益。