
时间:2022-08-21 15:19:18

I have a container of custom controls each of which have 2 controls in them. One to display when enabled (i.e. a textbox, or checkbox), and a label to display when disabled.


I've overloaded Render like so:


    Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
        If Me.Enabled Then
        End If
    End Sub

however, when I set the container, which is a table, to Enabled = False, my expected functionality doesn't happen. Instead I get grayed out textboxes and checkboxes.

但是,当我将容器(即表)设置为Enabled = False时,我的预期功能不会发生。相反,我变灰了文本框和复选框。

What actually happens when you set a parent's Enabled property? My assumption was that it propagated that status down to all its children, but it appears that I'm mistaken.


Thank you!

1 个解决方案


Short answer is that your assumption is actually wrong.


If you like (and are extending WebControl, and your container has a runat=server), you could use

如果你喜欢(并且正在扩展WebControl,并且你的容器有一个runat = server),你可以使用

If NamingContainer.Enabled Then

instead of

If Me.Enabled Then

but properties do not auto propagate down the the tree in asp.



Short answer is that your assumption is actually wrong.


If you like (and are extending WebControl, and your container has a runat=server), you could use

如果你喜欢(并且正在扩展WebControl,并且你的容器有一个runat = server),你可以使用

If NamingContainer.Enabled Then

instead of

If Me.Enabled Then

but properties do not auto propagate down the the tree in asp.
