
时间:2022-08-21 15:19:24

When an object is instantiated with:


Foo objFoo = new Foo();

What happens to it's memory allocation when it's reference, objFoo, is reassigned?


objFoo = new Foo();

What about when assigned to null?


objFoo = null

3 个解决方案



What happens to the currently using memory when we assign another instance to the object.


objFoo is a variable, not an object.


objFoo = new Foo(); creates a new object (new Foo()) and assigns it to the objFoo variable.

objFoo = new Foo();创建一个新对象(new Foo())并将其分配给objFoo变量。

If you invoke objFoo = new Foo(); and there are no other variables referring to the same old object, then the old object will be eligible to be garbage collected.

如果你调用objFoo = new Foo();并且没有其他变量引用同一个旧对象,那么旧对象将有资格被垃圾收集。

Garbage collection does not happen immediately, but when it happens it would free the memory used by the old object.


Take a look at this MSDN reference for more information about garbage collection.


What happens to the memory when null is assigned to the object. ie., objFoo = null

将null分配给对象时,内存会发生什么。即。,objFoo = null

Same as my previous note. If no other variable references the old object, the object will be eligible for garbage collection.


In the first case i can access the new object where as in the second case, accessing value will give me null reference Exception.


The variable objFoo now does not refer to anything, that is why you are getting the exception when you try to access the object that it is referencing.




When you remove the last reference to an object (in this case by setting the variable to either a new object or null, it's basically the same thing) it gets marked as being available to be garbage collected.


It doesn't mean the memory gets freed straight away (though that may happen) so if you had some non-managed way of accessing the memory it would still show as being "there" for a while.


At some point (which you can't determine) the memory is freed.


If you had other variables/lists etc. referencing the object then it's not eligible for garbage collection.




At start, objFoo contains the reference to the first object's address in memory. When you create and assign the second object new Foo(), it creates a new object in memory and puts the new reference in objFoo. The old object, if not anymore referenced elsewhere in your code, becomes then a candidate to the garbage collector. You don't "override" the memory, you just use another memory range for the new object.

在开始时,objFoo包含对内存中第一个对象地址的引用。当您创建并分配第二个对象new Foo()时,它会在内存中创建一个新对象并将新引用放在objFoo中。旧代码,如果不再在代码中的其他位置引用,则成为垃圾收集器的候选对象。您没有“覆盖”内存,只需为新对象使用另一个内存范围。

For your second point, it's almost the same. When you assign the null reference to the objFoo variable, the previous object will become a candidate to the GC if no other variables reference it. Since your variable actually do reference a null value and not a valid Foo object referenced in memory, you get this error.


In any case, you don't know exactly when the GC is gonna free the memory.




What happens to the currently using memory when we assign another instance to the object.


objFoo is a variable, not an object.


objFoo = new Foo(); creates a new object (new Foo()) and assigns it to the objFoo variable.

objFoo = new Foo();创建一个新对象(new Foo())并将其分配给objFoo变量。

If you invoke objFoo = new Foo(); and there are no other variables referring to the same old object, then the old object will be eligible to be garbage collected.

如果你调用objFoo = new Foo();并且没有其他变量引用同一个旧对象,那么旧对象将有资格被垃圾收集。

Garbage collection does not happen immediately, but when it happens it would free the memory used by the old object.


Take a look at this MSDN reference for more information about garbage collection.


What happens to the memory when null is assigned to the object. ie., objFoo = null

将null分配给对象时,内存会发生什么。即。,objFoo = null

Same as my previous note. If no other variable references the old object, the object will be eligible for garbage collection.


In the first case i can access the new object where as in the second case, accessing value will give me null reference Exception.


The variable objFoo now does not refer to anything, that is why you are getting the exception when you try to access the object that it is referencing.




When you remove the last reference to an object (in this case by setting the variable to either a new object or null, it's basically the same thing) it gets marked as being available to be garbage collected.


It doesn't mean the memory gets freed straight away (though that may happen) so if you had some non-managed way of accessing the memory it would still show as being "there" for a while.


At some point (which you can't determine) the memory is freed.


If you had other variables/lists etc. referencing the object then it's not eligible for garbage collection.




At start, objFoo contains the reference to the first object's address in memory. When you create and assign the second object new Foo(), it creates a new object in memory and puts the new reference in objFoo. The old object, if not anymore referenced elsewhere in your code, becomes then a candidate to the garbage collector. You don't "override" the memory, you just use another memory range for the new object.

在开始时,objFoo包含对内存中第一个对象地址的引用。当您创建并分配第二个对象new Foo()时,它会在内存中创建一个新对象并将新引用放在objFoo中。旧代码,如果不再在代码中的其他位置引用,则成为垃圾收集器的候选对象。您没有“覆盖”内存,只需为新对象使用另一个内存范围。

For your second point, it's almost the same. When you assign the null reference to the objFoo variable, the previous object will become a candidate to the GC if no other variables reference it. Since your variable actually do reference a null value and not a valid Foo object referenced in memory, you get this error.


In any case, you don't know exactly when the GC is gonna free the memory.
