
时间:2021-09-16 15:15:29

I am having a hard time solving the following with an MVC view.


My goal is to display data from multiple tables in a single MVC view. The bulk of the data comes from a table called Retailers. I also have another table called RetailerCategories which stores the retailerid from the Retailers table and also a categoryid linking to a Category table.


Note that there are multiple records for each retailerid in the RetailerCategories table.


In the view I want to show a list of retailers and with each retailer I want to show the list of categories applicable to them.


What would be the best way to accomplish this? Some of the things I have tried are covered in Can you help with this MVC ViewModel issue?

实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么?我已经尝试过的一些内容包含在你能帮助解决这个MVC ViewModel问题吗?

This however does not appear to be the right approach.


3 个解决方案



You need a view model specifically tailored to the needs of this view. When defining your view models you shouldn't be thinking in terms of tables. SQL tables have absolutely no meaning in a view. Think in terms of what information you need to show and define your view models accordingly. Then you could use AutoMapper to convert between your real models and the view model you have defined.

您需要一个专门针对此视图需求定制的视图模型。在定义视图模型时,您不应该考虑表格。 SQL表在视图中绝对没有意义。根据您需要显示哪些信息并相应地定义视图模型。然后,您可以使用AutoMapper在实际模型和已定义的视图模型之间进行转换。

So forget about all you said about tables and focus on the following sentence:


In the view I want to show a list of retailers and with each retailer I want to show the list of categories applicable to them.


This sentence is actually very good as it explains exactly what you need. So once you know what you need go ahead and modelize it:


public class CategoryViewModel
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class RetailerViewModel
    public IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel> Categories { get; set; }

Now you strongly type your view to IEnumerable<RetailerViewModel>. From here it is easy-peasy to do what you want in the view:

现在,您强烈地将视图键入IEnumerable 。从这里开始,您可以轻松地在视图中执行您想要的操作:

showing a list of retailers with each retail having a list of associated categories.




this could be also helpful;


video from chris pels

来自chris pels的视频



It is simple just do what I say step by step.


  1. add connection string into web.config file


  2. select models from solution explorer and add 4 classes as following


    • 1st class for first table "i have employ table which have 3 columns


      public class Employ { [Key] public int Emp_id { get; set; } public string Emp_name { get; set; } public string Emp_city { get; set; } }

      public class Employ {[Key] public int Emp_id {get;组; public字符号Emp_name {get;组;公共字符串Emp_city {get;组; }}

    • 2nd class for my tempo table


      public class tempo { [Key] public int ID { get; set; } public int Emp_Id { get; set; } public string subject { get; set; } public string hobby { get; set; } }

      public class tempo {[Key] public int ID {get;组; public int Emp_Id {get;组;公共字符串主题{get;组;公共字符串爱好{get;组; }}

    Now I create a third class in model folder which contain value that i want from employ table and tempo table


    public class Alladd
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public int Emp_Id { get; set; }
        public string subject { get; set; }
        public string hobby { get; set; }
        public string Emp_name { get; set; }
        public string Emp_city { get; set; }

    and the final class is datacontext class


    public class DataContext:DbContext
        public DataContext() : base("DefaultConn")//connection string
        public DbSet<Employ> Empdata { get; set; }
        public DbSet<tempo> Tempdata { get; set; }
  3. now go to the Home controller and add code as below


    public ActionResult file()
        // IList<tempo> tempi=new List<tempo>();
        IEnumerable<Alladd> model = null;
        // model = getVerifydetails(id);
        // return View(objcpModel);
        List<Alladd> verify = new List<Alladd>();
        if (cn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
            string query = "select Employ.Emp_name,Employ.Emp_id,Employ.Emp_city,tempo.hobby,tempo.id,tempo.subject from Employ inner join tempo on Employ.Emp_id=tempo.Emp_id;";//joining two table 
            SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(query,cn);
            SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            while (dr.Read())
                verify.Add(new Alladd { Emp_name = dr[0].ToString(), Emp_Id= Convert.ToInt32(dr[1].ToString()), Emp_city = dr[2].ToString(), hobby = dr[3].ToString(),ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr[1].ToString()),subject= dr[4].ToString()});//filling values into Alladd class
        return View(verify);
  4. now the final step is so simple


    1. go to solution explorer
    2. 去解决方案资源管理器
    3. select views folder and left click on it and select add view
    4. 选择views文件夹并左键单击它,然后选择添加视图
    5. now name it as "file" which we give it into controller
    6. 现在将其命名为“文件”,我们将其命名为控制器
    7. check on create strongly type view
    8. 检查创建强类型视图
    9. select model class from dropdown-> Alladd
    10. 从dropdown-> Alladd中选择模型类
    11. select scaffold templet ->List
    12. 选择脚手架模板 - >列表
    13. hit Add button
    14. 点击添加按钮

Now you're done


Happy coding...




You need a view model specifically tailored to the needs of this view. When defining your view models you shouldn't be thinking in terms of tables. SQL tables have absolutely no meaning in a view. Think in terms of what information you need to show and define your view models accordingly. Then you could use AutoMapper to convert between your real models and the view model you have defined.

您需要一个专门针对此视图需求定制的视图模型。在定义视图模型时,您不应该考虑表格。 SQL表在视图中绝对没有意义。根据您需要显示哪些信息并相应地定义视图模型。然后,您可以使用AutoMapper在实际模型和已定义的视图模型之间进行转换。

So forget about all you said about tables and focus on the following sentence:


In the view I want to show a list of retailers and with each retailer I want to show the list of categories applicable to them.


This sentence is actually very good as it explains exactly what you need. So once you know what you need go ahead and modelize it:


public class CategoryViewModel
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class RetailerViewModel
    public IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel> Categories { get; set; }

Now you strongly type your view to IEnumerable<RetailerViewModel>. From here it is easy-peasy to do what you want in the view:

现在,您强烈地将视图键入IEnumerable 。从这里开始,您可以轻松地在视图中执行您想要的操作:

showing a list of retailers with each retail having a list of associated categories.




this could be also helpful;


video from chris pels

来自chris pels的视频



It is simple just do what I say step by step.


  1. add connection string into web.config file


  2. select models from solution explorer and add 4 classes as following


    • 1st class for first table "i have employ table which have 3 columns


      public class Employ { [Key] public int Emp_id { get; set; } public string Emp_name { get; set; } public string Emp_city { get; set; } }

      public class Employ {[Key] public int Emp_id {get;组; public字符号Emp_name {get;组;公共字符串Emp_city {get;组; }}

    • 2nd class for my tempo table


      public class tempo { [Key] public int ID { get; set; } public int Emp_Id { get; set; } public string subject { get; set; } public string hobby { get; set; } }

      public class tempo {[Key] public int ID {get;组; public int Emp_Id {get;组;公共字符串主题{get;组;公共字符串爱好{get;组; }}

    Now I create a third class in model folder which contain value that i want from employ table and tempo table


    public class Alladd
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public int Emp_Id { get; set; }
        public string subject { get; set; }
        public string hobby { get; set; }
        public string Emp_name { get; set; }
        public string Emp_city { get; set; }

    and the final class is datacontext class


    public class DataContext:DbContext
        public DataContext() : base("DefaultConn")//connection string
        public DbSet<Employ> Empdata { get; set; }
        public DbSet<tempo> Tempdata { get; set; }
  3. now go to the Home controller and add code as below


    public ActionResult file()
        // IList<tempo> tempi=new List<tempo>();
        IEnumerable<Alladd> model = null;
        // model = getVerifydetails(id);
        // return View(objcpModel);
        List<Alladd> verify = new List<Alladd>();
        if (cn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
            string query = "select Employ.Emp_name,Employ.Emp_id,Employ.Emp_city,tempo.hobby,tempo.id,tempo.subject from Employ inner join tempo on Employ.Emp_id=tempo.Emp_id;";//joining two table 
            SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(query,cn);
            SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            while (dr.Read())
                verify.Add(new Alladd { Emp_name = dr[0].ToString(), Emp_Id= Convert.ToInt32(dr[1].ToString()), Emp_city = dr[2].ToString(), hobby = dr[3].ToString(),ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr[1].ToString()),subject= dr[4].ToString()});//filling values into Alladd class
        return View(verify);
  4. now the final step is so simple


    1. go to solution explorer
    2. 去解决方案资源管理器
    3. select views folder and left click on it and select add view
    4. 选择views文件夹并左键单击它,然后选择添加视图
    5. now name it as "file" which we give it into controller
    6. 现在将其命名为“文件”,我们将其命名为控制器
    7. check on create strongly type view
    8. 检查创建强类型视图
    9. select model class from dropdown-> Alladd
    10. 从dropdown-> Alladd中选择模型类
    11. select scaffold templet ->List
    12. 选择脚手架模板 - >列表
    13. hit Add button
    14. 点击添加按钮

Now you're done


Happy coding...
