
时间:2021-08-31 14:28:28

Sorry for the misleading title but I'm unsure how else to write it.


I have the below table...



I want to produce a simple calculator that compares all data in a row from 2 given parameters.


I will ask my users to select a country first, and then select a value in that column. After doing this you can submit the form and it would output the correct values from that given row...


I've made a fiddle to try and show what I mean...




What is the best way to do this? The only way I am aware of is by having a huge if/else statement which will take me forever to write.


$('.country').on('change', function(){
// If USA show corrent dropdown
if( $(this).val() == 'usa'){
} else if( $(this).val() == 'gb'){
} else {

$('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e){
    $('p').text('Values output here');

If you select French and 5a+ you would get 5.8 and V-Diff in the output...


7 个解决方案



There are definitely different ways to do this, but it seems to me that it comes down to the data structure. My personal take is to go with a data structure that has an array of countries with grades. The grades would then actually be pairs (display value/actual value) to account for the gaps in the data. The trick here is that we don't want to display empty display values in the select, but we do need data (in actual value) for conversion. After that, the jQuery stuff is pretty easy.


Data like this:


var countryGrades = [
    { country : "France", grades : [ 
        ["4", "4"], 
        ["", "4"], 
        ["5a", "5a"], 
        ["5a+", "5a+"], 
        ["5b", "5b"],
        ["5b+", "5b+"], 
        ["5c", "5c"],
        ["5c+", "5c+"],
        ["6a", "6a"],
        ["6a+", "6a+"],
        ["6b", "6b"] 
    { country : "USA", grades : [ 
        ["5.6", "5.6"], 
        ["", "5.6"], 
        ["5.7", "5.7"], 
        ["", "5.7"], 
        ["5.8", "5.8"], 
        ["", "5.8"], 
        ["5.9", "5.9"], 
        ["5.10a", "5.10a"], 
        ["5.10b", "5.10b"], 
        ["5.10c", "5.10c"], 
        ["5.10d", "5.10d"]
    { country : "UK", grades : [ 
        ["", ""], 
        ["Mod", "Mod"], 
        ["Diff", "Diff"], 
        ["V-Diff", "V-Diff"], 
        ["4a", "4a"], 
        ["4b", "4b"], 
        ["4b VS", "4b VS"], 
        ["4c HVS", "4c HVS"], 
        ["5a E1", "5a E1"], 
        ["", ""], 
        ["", ""]

Event handling, etc. like this:


function loadGrades(countryGradesIndex) {
    var gradeSelect = $("#grade");
    $.each(countryGrades[countryGradesIndex].grades, function(index, grade) {
        if (grade[0] != "") {
            gradeSelect.append($("<option></option>").attr("value", index).text(grade[0]));

$.each(countryGrades, function(index, countryGrade) {       
    $("#country").append($("<option></option>").attr("value", index).text(countryGrade.country));

$("#country").on("change", function() {


$("#convert").on("click", function() {
    var gradeIndex = $("#grade").val();
    var gradeConversion = "";
    $.each(countryGrades, function(countryGradesIndex) {
        gradeConversion += countryGrades[countryGradesIndex].country + ": " + countryGrades[countryGradesIndex].grades[gradeIndex][1] + "<br>";


Check out a working JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/tetonraven/SVj63/

这里有一个可用的JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/tetonraven/SVj63/



Iserni's Answer is really close to what you need, I think they missed the output portion though unless I'm reading/understanding the code incorrectly.


To adapt that answer a bit I would change the data structure to be:


var grades = [
{'fr': "4", 'usa': "5.6",'gb': ""},
{'fr': "4", 'usa': "5.6",'gb': "Mod"},
{'fr': "5a",    'usa': "5.7",'gb': "Diff"},
{'fr': "5a+",   'usa': "5.7",'gb': "V-Diff"},
{'fr': "5b",    'usa': "5.8",'gb': "4a"},
{'fr': "5b+",   'usa': "5.8",'gb': "4b"},
{'fr': "5c",    'usa': "5.9",'gb': "4b VS"},
{'fr': "5c+",   'usa': "5.10a",'gb': "4c HVS"},
{'fr': "6a",    'usa': "5.10b",'gb': "5a E1"},
{'fr': "6a+",   'usa': "5.10c",'gb': ""},
{'fr': "6b",    'usa': "5.10d",'gb': ""}];

Then in your click event something like this will get you to translated values (you will need to adapt it a bit)


$('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e){
   var matches = $.grep(grades,function(e) {
     return e[$(".country").val()] == $('.iniValusa').val()

   if(matches.length == 1)
     $('p').text('USA: ' + matches[0].usa + ' GB: ' + matches[0].gb + 'FR: ' + matches[0].fr);



crush's solution seems to me the most practical. You define the data in a single variable, then use it to populate both SELECTs. However, consider that Michael's solution can be adapted to degrade better: my take on crush's solution, if Javascript were disabled, would get you an empty page.


You keep all the data in a Javascript object, and the values are indexed so that equal grades have equal indexes (the row numbers in your table):


 4: "quatrième valeur pour les français",
 4: "Fourth value for UK",

This approach allows to "translate" more easily (I believe) one array into the other, i.e. you select France, get grade 5b, change France to US: the value stays the same, which means that the displayed grade changes to the corresponding value in the new country.


Also, you keep all your data in a single place.


For large country arrays, I'd suggest to convert the grades[countryCode] into an AJAX call to fetch that particular country from the server. You'd also need another AJAX call to only fetch the codes from the server.


  var grades = {
    fr: {
        name: 'France',
        values: {
            0: "4",
            1: "4",
            2: "5a",
            3: "5a+",
            4: "5b",
            5: "5b+",
            6: "5c",
            7: "5c+",
            8: "6a",
            9: "6a+",
           10: "6b"
 us:    {
        name: 'USA',
        values: {
            0: "5.6",
            1: "5.6",
            2: "5.7",
            3: "5.7",
            4: "5.8",
            5: "5.8",
            6: "5.9",
            7: "5.10a",
            8: "5.10b",
            9: "5.10c",
           10: "5.10d"
'gb': {
        name: 'UK',
        values: {
            0: "",
            1: "Mod",
            2: "Diff",
            3: "V-Diff",
            4: "4a",
            5: "4b",
            6: "4b VS",
            7: "4c HVS",
            8: "5a E1",
            9: "",
           10: ""

  function setSelectTo(country) {
      // TODO: verify that country is indeed in grades
      var data = grades[country].values;
      var $el = $("#gradeSelect");
      $cur = $el.val();
      $.each(data, function(value, text) {
             .attr("value", value)
      // Restore value
  function populateCountrySelect() {
      var $el = $("#countrySelect");

      $.each(grades, function(code, data) {
             .attr("value", code)

  $('#countrySelect').on('change', function(){


This is an updated sample fiddle - sorry, the first URL was wrong - and the HTML is very minimal:

这是一个更新的示例小提琴-对不起,第一个URL是错误的- HTML是非常小的:

Choose your country: <select id="countrySelect"></select>
<br />
Choose your grade: <select id="gradeSelect"></select>            



As per my understanding adding my 2 penny to access the data, and hope its helpful.


Keep data like every first select value and the grade value array .

保存数据,就像每个first select值和grade value数组一样。

 var data = { 
 fr :new Array("4","4","5a","5a+", "5b","5b+","5c","5c+","6a","6a+", "6b"),  

 usa : new Array(  "5.6","5.6","5.7", "5.7","5.8", "5.8", "5.9", "5.10a", "5.10b","5.10c", "5.10d"), 

 gb : new Array (  "", "Mod","Diff","V-Diff", "4a","4b", "4b VS", "4c HVS", "5a E1", "","")                            


Then write the method to populate that grades when country clicks.


function populate(val)
    var array = data[val];   
   for(var a=0; a<array.length; a++ ) {
     $("#grade").append('<option value="'+ a +  '">' +  array[a] + '</option>');

And call the methods something like that ::


$("document").ready(function () { populate('usa'); } );
$('.country').on('change', function(){

Html will be simple (only country u need to per-populate [U can write the method to poulate them in document ready also]. This the output way to print all content to select index : {As per ur expected o/p my understanding is u skiping the empty value, u can add that cond here if that the case something like this : if(data[a][index] == '') data[a][index+1] (though u have to take care array len etc.) }

Html将是简单的(只有国家u需要填充[u也可以编写方法在文档中填充它们])。这个输出打印所有内容的方式来选择指数:{按照你的预期o / p u跳过我的理解是空值,你可以添加,气孔导度,如果情况是这样的:如果(数据(一个)(指数)= =”)数据[一][指数+ 1](尽管你必须照顾数组len等等)}

$('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e){
    var index = $('#grade').find(":selected").val();
     var str = "";
     for(var a in data)
        str  = str +" " + $('.country option[value="' + a + '"]').html() 
        +" " + data[a][index];
    $('p').text('Values output here ' + str);





Ok, I don't exactly know how you want. But I tried that with html table + jQuery and here is what you can get.

好吧,我不知道你到底想要什么。但是我在html表格+ jQuery中尝试过,这里是你能得到的。

DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/yeyene/xEzLv/

You only need 3 if statements and see the result.


$('.country').on('change', function(){
$('.hiddenGrade').on('change', function(){
    $('#chart tr').css('background', 'none');
    $('#chart tr').eq($(this).val()).css('background', 'green');

$('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e){
    if($('#cn').val() === '0'){
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(1).text()+', '+
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(2).text()   
    if($('#cn').val() === '1'){
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(0).text()+', '+
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(2).text()   
    if($('#cn').val() === '2'){
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(0).text()+', '+
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(1).text()   



I do not like enormous ammount of code other answers have. Check fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/vittore/kP249/1/.


Just put data in table:

<select id='country'>
    <option value="0">Fr</option>
    <option value="1">Us</option>
    <option value="2">Uk</option>
<input id='score' type="text" />    

<table id="results">
    <tr><td>5c</td><td>5.9</td><td>4b VS</td></tr>
    <tr><td>5c+</td><td>5.10a</td><td>4c HVS</td></tr>
    <tr><td>6a</td><td>5.10b</td><td>5a E1</td></tr>

And add little bit of javascript:


var $score = $('#score'), $country = $('#country')
  , $results = $('#results'), $rows = $results.find('tbody tr')


$results.on('scoreChanged', function(e, country, score) {
    $rows.hide().filter(function(i) {
        return $(this).find('td:eq(' + country + ')').text() == score

$score.on('submit, blur', function(e) {
  $results.trigger('scoreChanged', [$country.val(), $score.val()])  

$country.on('changed', function(e) {
  $results.trigger('scoreChanged', [$country.val(), $score.val()])  

NOTE: you can slightly change filter condition and show results more friendly (fiddle):


$results.on('scoreChanged', function(e, country, score) {
    $rows.hide().filter(function(i) {
        return $(this).find('td:eq(' + country + ')').text().contains(score)



<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

            var values = [['', '', ''], ['4', '5.6', 'x'], ['5a', '5.7', 'dif']];
            var countries = ['-', 'fr', 'us', 'uk'];
            var jq_country =  $('.country'), jq_grade = $('.grade');

            $.each(countries, function(index, val){
               jq_country.append('<option data-index="' + index + '">' + val + '</option>');                

            var curr_col, curr_index;

            jq_country.change(function() {

                curr_col = parseInt($(this).find('option:selected').data('index')) - 1;     

                if (curr_col >= 0) {

                    $.each(values, function(index, val) {

                        jq_grade.append('<option ' + (index == curr_index ? 'selected' : '' ) +  ' value="' + index + '">' + val[curr_col] + '</option>')   



            jq_grade.change(function() {
                curr_index = parseInt(jq_grade.val());
                if (curr_index) {
                    var result = '';
                    $.each(countries.slice(1), function(index, val){
                        if (index != curr_col) result += val + ':' + values[curr_index][index] + ';';

                else {


    <form method="post">
       <select class="country"></select>
      <select class="grade"></select>
      <input type="text" class="result" />




There are definitely different ways to do this, but it seems to me that it comes down to the data structure. My personal take is to go with a data structure that has an array of countries with grades. The grades would then actually be pairs (display value/actual value) to account for the gaps in the data. The trick here is that we don't want to display empty display values in the select, but we do need data (in actual value) for conversion. After that, the jQuery stuff is pretty easy.


Data like this:


var countryGrades = [
    { country : "France", grades : [ 
        ["4", "4"], 
        ["", "4"], 
        ["5a", "5a"], 
        ["5a+", "5a+"], 
        ["5b", "5b"],
        ["5b+", "5b+"], 
        ["5c", "5c"],
        ["5c+", "5c+"],
        ["6a", "6a"],
        ["6a+", "6a+"],
        ["6b", "6b"] 
    { country : "USA", grades : [ 
        ["5.6", "5.6"], 
        ["", "5.6"], 
        ["5.7", "5.7"], 
        ["", "5.7"], 
        ["5.8", "5.8"], 
        ["", "5.8"], 
        ["5.9", "5.9"], 
        ["5.10a", "5.10a"], 
        ["5.10b", "5.10b"], 
        ["5.10c", "5.10c"], 
        ["5.10d", "5.10d"]
    { country : "UK", grades : [ 
        ["", ""], 
        ["Mod", "Mod"], 
        ["Diff", "Diff"], 
        ["V-Diff", "V-Diff"], 
        ["4a", "4a"], 
        ["4b", "4b"], 
        ["4b VS", "4b VS"], 
        ["4c HVS", "4c HVS"], 
        ["5a E1", "5a E1"], 
        ["", ""], 
        ["", ""]

Event handling, etc. like this:


function loadGrades(countryGradesIndex) {
    var gradeSelect = $("#grade");
    $.each(countryGrades[countryGradesIndex].grades, function(index, grade) {
        if (grade[0] != "") {
            gradeSelect.append($("<option></option>").attr("value", index).text(grade[0]));

$.each(countryGrades, function(index, countryGrade) {       
    $("#country").append($("<option></option>").attr("value", index).text(countryGrade.country));

$("#country").on("change", function() {


$("#convert").on("click", function() {
    var gradeIndex = $("#grade").val();
    var gradeConversion = "";
    $.each(countryGrades, function(countryGradesIndex) {
        gradeConversion += countryGrades[countryGradesIndex].country + ": " + countryGrades[countryGradesIndex].grades[gradeIndex][1] + "<br>";


Check out a working JSFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/tetonraven/SVj63/

这里有一个可用的JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/tetonraven/SVj63/



Iserni's Answer is really close to what you need, I think they missed the output portion though unless I'm reading/understanding the code incorrectly.


To adapt that answer a bit I would change the data structure to be:


var grades = [
{'fr': "4", 'usa': "5.6",'gb': ""},
{'fr': "4", 'usa': "5.6",'gb': "Mod"},
{'fr': "5a",    'usa': "5.7",'gb': "Diff"},
{'fr': "5a+",   'usa': "5.7",'gb': "V-Diff"},
{'fr': "5b",    'usa': "5.8",'gb': "4a"},
{'fr': "5b+",   'usa': "5.8",'gb': "4b"},
{'fr': "5c",    'usa': "5.9",'gb': "4b VS"},
{'fr': "5c+",   'usa': "5.10a",'gb': "4c HVS"},
{'fr': "6a",    'usa': "5.10b",'gb': "5a E1"},
{'fr': "6a+",   'usa': "5.10c",'gb': ""},
{'fr': "6b",    'usa': "5.10d",'gb': ""}];

Then in your click event something like this will get you to translated values (you will need to adapt it a bit)


$('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e){
   var matches = $.grep(grades,function(e) {
     return e[$(".country").val()] == $('.iniValusa').val()

   if(matches.length == 1)
     $('p').text('USA: ' + matches[0].usa + ' GB: ' + matches[0].gb + 'FR: ' + matches[0].fr);



crush's solution seems to me the most practical. You define the data in a single variable, then use it to populate both SELECTs. However, consider that Michael's solution can be adapted to degrade better: my take on crush's solution, if Javascript were disabled, would get you an empty page.


You keep all the data in a Javascript object, and the values are indexed so that equal grades have equal indexes (the row numbers in your table):


 4: "quatrième valeur pour les français",
 4: "Fourth value for UK",

This approach allows to "translate" more easily (I believe) one array into the other, i.e. you select France, get grade 5b, change France to US: the value stays the same, which means that the displayed grade changes to the corresponding value in the new country.


Also, you keep all your data in a single place.


For large country arrays, I'd suggest to convert the grades[countryCode] into an AJAX call to fetch that particular country from the server. You'd also need another AJAX call to only fetch the codes from the server.


  var grades = {
    fr: {
        name: 'France',
        values: {
            0: "4",
            1: "4",
            2: "5a",
            3: "5a+",
            4: "5b",
            5: "5b+",
            6: "5c",
            7: "5c+",
            8: "6a",
            9: "6a+",
           10: "6b"
 us:    {
        name: 'USA',
        values: {
            0: "5.6",
            1: "5.6",
            2: "5.7",
            3: "5.7",
            4: "5.8",
            5: "5.8",
            6: "5.9",
            7: "5.10a",
            8: "5.10b",
            9: "5.10c",
           10: "5.10d"
'gb': {
        name: 'UK',
        values: {
            0: "",
            1: "Mod",
            2: "Diff",
            3: "V-Diff",
            4: "4a",
            5: "4b",
            6: "4b VS",
            7: "4c HVS",
            8: "5a E1",
            9: "",
           10: ""

  function setSelectTo(country) {
      // TODO: verify that country is indeed in grades
      var data = grades[country].values;
      var $el = $("#gradeSelect");
      $cur = $el.val();
      $.each(data, function(value, text) {
             .attr("value", value)
      // Restore value
  function populateCountrySelect() {
      var $el = $("#countrySelect");

      $.each(grades, function(code, data) {
             .attr("value", code)

  $('#countrySelect').on('change', function(){


This is an updated sample fiddle - sorry, the first URL was wrong - and the HTML is very minimal:

这是一个更新的示例小提琴-对不起,第一个URL是错误的- HTML是非常小的:

Choose your country: <select id="countrySelect"></select>
<br />
Choose your grade: <select id="gradeSelect"></select>            



As per my understanding adding my 2 penny to access the data, and hope its helpful.


Keep data like every first select value and the grade value array .

保存数据,就像每个first select值和grade value数组一样。

 var data = { 
 fr :new Array("4","4","5a","5a+", "5b","5b+","5c","5c+","6a","6a+", "6b"),  

 usa : new Array(  "5.6","5.6","5.7", "5.7","5.8", "5.8", "5.9", "5.10a", "5.10b","5.10c", "5.10d"), 

 gb : new Array (  "", "Mod","Diff","V-Diff", "4a","4b", "4b VS", "4c HVS", "5a E1", "","")                            


Then write the method to populate that grades when country clicks.


function populate(val)
    var array = data[val];   
   for(var a=0; a<array.length; a++ ) {
     $("#grade").append('<option value="'+ a +  '">' +  array[a] + '</option>');

And call the methods something like that ::


$("document").ready(function () { populate('usa'); } );
$('.country').on('change', function(){

Html will be simple (only country u need to per-populate [U can write the method to poulate them in document ready also]. This the output way to print all content to select index : {As per ur expected o/p my understanding is u skiping the empty value, u can add that cond here if that the case something like this : if(data[a][index] == '') data[a][index+1] (though u have to take care array len etc.) }

Html将是简单的(只有国家u需要填充[u也可以编写方法在文档中填充它们])。这个输出打印所有内容的方式来选择指数:{按照你的预期o / p u跳过我的理解是空值,你可以添加,气孔导度,如果情况是这样的:如果(数据(一个)(指数)= =”)数据[一][指数+ 1](尽管你必须照顾数组len等等)}

$('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e){
    var index = $('#grade').find(":selected").val();
     var str = "";
     for(var a in data)
        str  = str +" " + $('.country option[value="' + a + '"]').html() 
        +" " + data[a][index];
    $('p').text('Values output here ' + str);





Ok, I don't exactly know how you want. But I tried that with html table + jQuery and here is what you can get.

好吧,我不知道你到底想要什么。但是我在html表格+ jQuery中尝试过,这里是你能得到的。

DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/yeyene/xEzLv/

You only need 3 if statements and see the result.


$('.country').on('change', function(){
$('.hiddenGrade').on('change', function(){
    $('#chart tr').css('background', 'none');
    $('#chart tr').eq($(this).val()).css('background', 'green');

$('input[type="submit"]').on('click', function(e){
    if($('#cn').val() === '0'){
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(1).text()+', '+
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(2).text()   
    if($('#cn').val() === '1'){
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(0).text()+', '+
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(2).text()   
    if($('#cn').val() === '2'){
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(0).text()+', '+
            $('#chart tr').eq($('#cn_val').val()).find('td').eq(1).text()   



I do not like enormous ammount of code other answers have. Check fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/vittore/kP249/1/.


Just put data in table:

<select id='country'>
    <option value="0">Fr</option>
    <option value="1">Us</option>
    <option value="2">Uk</option>
<input id='score' type="text" />    

<table id="results">
    <tr><td>5c</td><td>5.9</td><td>4b VS</td></tr>
    <tr><td>5c+</td><td>5.10a</td><td>4c HVS</td></tr>
    <tr><td>6a</td><td>5.10b</td><td>5a E1</td></tr>

And add little bit of javascript:


var $score = $('#score'), $country = $('#country')
  , $results = $('#results'), $rows = $results.find('tbody tr')


$results.on('scoreChanged', function(e, country, score) {
    $rows.hide().filter(function(i) {
        return $(this).find('td:eq(' + country + ')').text() == score

$score.on('submit, blur', function(e) {
  $results.trigger('scoreChanged', [$country.val(), $score.val()])  

$country.on('changed', function(e) {
  $results.trigger('scoreChanged', [$country.val(), $score.val()])  

NOTE: you can slightly change filter condition and show results more friendly (fiddle):


$results.on('scoreChanged', function(e, country, score) {
    $rows.hide().filter(function(i) {
        return $(this).find('td:eq(' + country + ')').text().contains(score)



<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

            var values = [['', '', ''], ['4', '5.6', 'x'], ['5a', '5.7', 'dif']];
            var countries = ['-', 'fr', 'us', 'uk'];
            var jq_country =  $('.country'), jq_grade = $('.grade');

            $.each(countries, function(index, val){
               jq_country.append('<option data-index="' + index + '">' + val + '</option>');                

            var curr_col, curr_index;

            jq_country.change(function() {

                curr_col = parseInt($(this).find('option:selected').data('index')) - 1;     

                if (curr_col >= 0) {

                    $.each(values, function(index, val) {

                        jq_grade.append('<option ' + (index == curr_index ? 'selected' : '' ) +  ' value="' + index + '">' + val[curr_col] + '</option>')   



            jq_grade.change(function() {
                curr_index = parseInt(jq_grade.val());
                if (curr_index) {
                    var result = '';
                    $.each(countries.slice(1), function(index, val){
                        if (index != curr_col) result += val + ':' + values[curr_index][index] + ';';

                else {


    <form method="post">
       <select class="country"></select>
      <select class="grade"></select>
      <input type="text" class="result" />
