Parse和Facebook SDK“螺栓”框架错误

时间:2022-06-07 11:28:38

I have an app with both the Parse and Facebook frameworks installed. Parse was installed by dragging the files to the "Frameworks" folder of the project and selecting "copy if needed", while the Facebook SDK was installed by dragging and not selecting the copy option. Both appear under the Linked Binaries list. The problem appears to be that Bolts is included in both SDKs. I tried just using the Facebook one, producing the following Link-O errors:

我有一个安装了Parse和Facebook框架的应用程序。通过将文件拖到项目的“Frameworks”文件夹并选择“如果需要复制”来安装Parse,同时通过拖动而不选择复制选项来安装Facebook SDK。两者都显示在链接二进制列表下。问题似乎是两个SDK都包含了螺栓。我尝试使用Facebook,产生以下Link-O错误:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:  "_BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException", referenced from:      ___53+[PFObject(Private) deleteAllAsync:withSessionToken:]_block_invoke214 in Parse(PFObject.o)      ___65+[PFObject(Private) _deepSaveAsync:withCurrentUser:sessionToken:]_block_invoke311 in Parse(PFObject.o)ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I deleted the link to the Facebook one and tried dragging the Parse one, but the error persisted. I also got the warning that


ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/milesper/Documents/FacebookSDK/Bolts.framework/Bolts, missing required architecture x86_64 in file /Users/milesper/Documents/FacebookSDK/Bolts.framework/Bolts (2 slices)

even though I had deleted the file from the Facebook SDK.

即使我从Facebook SDK中删除了该文件。

How should I clean up the project and link to the Parse version of Bolts? Is there something else i should be doing?


5 个解决方案


Turns out the order in which you include/search the frameworks in your project matters.


Here is what I did to work with Parse 1.6.4 and FacebookSDK without CacoaPods

以下是我在没有CacoaPods的情况下使用Parse 1.6.4和FacebookSDK所做的工作

  1. Use the latest version of Bolts. (1.1.4)
  2. 使用最新版本的螺栓。 (1.1.4)

  3. Your include paths should be ordered to find Bolt first, then FacebookSDK, then Parse
  4. 您的包含路径应​​先订购,先找到Bolt,然后再找到FacebookSDK,再找Parse

Parse和Facebook SDK“螺栓”框架错误


Well I found it. The problem was that old files (which were now deleted) were being referenced in the "Library Search Paths Flag". Thanks to this post for giving me the idea. All I had to do was delete the old paths and it now works again.


EDIT: It appears that for some situations the order of the search paths matters as well (see below).



That worked for me Temporary workaround for Parse 1.6.4 and Facebook SDK 3.23

这对我有用Parse 1.6.4和Facebook SDK 3.23的临时解决方法

Add to your AppDelegate.m or another class following constant after imports and before implementation section: NSString *const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @"BFMultipleExceptionsException";

在导入之后和实现之前添加到AppDelegate.m或其他类后面的常量部分:NSString * const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @“BFMultipleExceptionsException”;

The explanation of the bug https://*.com/a/29136507/1345244


One hack I found for working around missing symbols, was just redefining the missing symbol again in my code.


The BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException string is defined here like this:


NSString *const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @"BFMultipleExceptionsException"; So maybe just try putting that one line into your code?

NSString * const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @“BFMultipleExceptionsException”;那么也许只是尝试将这一行放入您的代码中?

From the history on github, it looks like this was just added to Bolts about 19 days ago. Version 1.1.4 of Bolts was released 14 days ago (1.1.3 was from October last year). So it probably is caused by the version mismatch of Bolts that you noticed.


Another option might be to get an older version of Parse from before Bolts 1.1.4 was released.

另一种选择可能是在Bolts 1.1.4发布之前获得较旧版本的Parse。

Presumably this will be fixed once a new Facebook SDK is available with Bolts 1.1.4.

据推测,一旦新的Facebook SDK可用于螺栓1.1.4,这将得到修复。


same problem here.


I had both frameworks included with no problem, until I added SponsorPay SDK which needs to add the -ObjC in "Other Linker Flags" on target "Build Settings".

我有两个框架没有问题,直到我添加了SponsorPay SDK,需要在目标“Build Settings”的“Other Linker Flags”中添加-ObjC。

So, in my experience this issue only happens when the flag -ObjC is present.


I tried all the solutions exposed in here but nothing worked for me, I hope anyone can bring more light on how to solve this issue even with the -ObjC flag active.



There's a question related to this, I'll put the link here in case is helpful to someone: Contradicting frameworks on -ObjC



i had some issue, i just remove Parser.framework in Linked Framework and Libraries and work well.



Turns out the order in which you include/search the frameworks in your project matters.


Here is what I did to work with Parse 1.6.4 and FacebookSDK without CacoaPods

以下是我在没有CacoaPods的情况下使用Parse 1.6.4和FacebookSDK所做的工作

  1. Use the latest version of Bolts. (1.1.4)
  2. 使用最新版本的螺栓。 (1.1.4)

  3. Your include paths should be ordered to find Bolt first, then FacebookSDK, then Parse
  4. 您的包含路径应​​先订购,先找到Bolt,然后再找到FacebookSDK,再找Parse

Parse和Facebook SDK“螺栓”框架错误


Well I found it. The problem was that old files (which were now deleted) were being referenced in the "Library Search Paths Flag". Thanks to this post for giving me the idea. All I had to do was delete the old paths and it now works again.


EDIT: It appears that for some situations the order of the search paths matters as well (see below).



That worked for me Temporary workaround for Parse 1.6.4 and Facebook SDK 3.23

这对我有用Parse 1.6.4和Facebook SDK 3.23的临时解决方法

Add to your AppDelegate.m or another class following constant after imports and before implementation section: NSString *const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @"BFMultipleExceptionsException";

在导入之后和实现之前添加到AppDelegate.m或其他类后面的常量部分:NSString * const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @“BFMultipleExceptionsException”;

The explanation of the bug https://*.com/a/29136507/1345244


One hack I found for working around missing symbols, was just redefining the missing symbol again in my code.


The BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException string is defined here like this:


NSString *const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @"BFMultipleExceptionsException"; So maybe just try putting that one line into your code?

NSString * const BFTaskMultipleExceptionsException = @“BFMultipleExceptionsException”;那么也许只是尝试将这一行放入您的代码中?

From the history on github, it looks like this was just added to Bolts about 19 days ago. Version 1.1.4 of Bolts was released 14 days ago (1.1.3 was from October last year). So it probably is caused by the version mismatch of Bolts that you noticed.


Another option might be to get an older version of Parse from before Bolts 1.1.4 was released.

另一种选择可能是在Bolts 1.1.4发布之前获得较旧版本的Parse。

Presumably this will be fixed once a new Facebook SDK is available with Bolts 1.1.4.

据推测,一旦新的Facebook SDK可用于螺栓1.1.4,这将得到修复。


same problem here.


I had both frameworks included with no problem, until I added SponsorPay SDK which needs to add the -ObjC in "Other Linker Flags" on target "Build Settings".

我有两个框架没有问题,直到我添加了SponsorPay SDK,需要在目标“Build Settings”的“Other Linker Flags”中添加-ObjC。

So, in my experience this issue only happens when the flag -ObjC is present.


I tried all the solutions exposed in here but nothing worked for me, I hope anyone can bring more light on how to solve this issue even with the -ObjC flag active.



There's a question related to this, I'll put the link here in case is helpful to someone: Contradicting frameworks on -ObjC



i had some issue, i just remove Parser.framework in Linked Framework and Libraries and work well.
