何时使用join或简单2表条件? [重复]

时间:2021-11-10 12:58:27

Possible Duplicate:
SQL left join vs multiple tables on FROM line?


I think this is much clearer:


"SELECT * FROM t1,t2 WHERE t2.foreignID = t1.id "

than a query with a JOIN.


are there any specs on when to use one or another?



2 个解决方案



Personally, I prefer the explicitness of


SELECT t1.*, t2.*
FROM t1 
JOIN t2 ON t1.id = t2.foreignID

I like to see exactly what my JOIN conditions are, and the I use WHERE to further filter the results (current year, only a certain user, etc). It shouldn't matter in a simple query like this, but will definitely help with longer, more complex queries.


It doesn't make sense to me to have one style for shorter queries and a different for longer ones. Usually the simple ones turn into complex queries soon enough.




This is a cartesian join which is actually very, very slightly different from an inner join. More than 99.99% of the time, you will get identical results. But there are edge cases that will run much slower, or possibly give extra rows. But you are more likely to run into parsing problems when you add left joins. The MySQL documentation gives a little bit of explanation, but not much. The differences lie in how the query optimiser chooses how to scan the tables.

这是一个笛卡尔连接,实际上与内连接非常非常不同。超过99.99%的时间,您将获得相同的结果。但是边缘情况会慢得多,或者可能会产生额外的行。但是,当您添加左连接时,您更有可能遇到解析问题。 MySQL文档给出了一些解释,但并不多。不同之处在于查询优化器如何选择如何扫描表。

This format also gets messy when you start adding other conditions in your WHERE clause.




Personally, I prefer the explicitness of


SELECT t1.*, t2.*
FROM t1 
JOIN t2 ON t1.id = t2.foreignID

I like to see exactly what my JOIN conditions are, and the I use WHERE to further filter the results (current year, only a certain user, etc). It shouldn't matter in a simple query like this, but will definitely help with longer, more complex queries.


It doesn't make sense to me to have one style for shorter queries and a different for longer ones. Usually the simple ones turn into complex queries soon enough.




This is a cartesian join which is actually very, very slightly different from an inner join. More than 99.99% of the time, you will get identical results. But there are edge cases that will run much slower, or possibly give extra rows. But you are more likely to run into parsing problems when you add left joins. The MySQL documentation gives a little bit of explanation, but not much. The differences lie in how the query optimiser chooses how to scan the tables.

这是一个笛卡尔连接,实际上与内连接非常非常不同。超过99.99%的时间,您将获得相同的结果。但是边缘情况会慢得多,或者可能会产生额外的行。但是,当您添加左连接时,您更有可能遇到解析问题。 MySQL文档给出了一些解释,但并不多。不同之处在于查询优化器如何选择如何扫描表。

This format also gets messy when you start adding other conditions in your WHERE clause.
