查看oracle PL / SQL中变量的值

时间:2021-11-10 12:58:33

I'm running a PL/SQL block that is supposed to be calling a stored procedure who's output parameters are supposed to be populating variables in the PL/SQL block.

我正在运行一个PL / SQL块,它应该调用一个存储过程,它的输出参数应该填充PL / SQL块中的变量。

The procedure compiles, and the PL/SQL block runs successfully. But I'd like to check the values of the variables populated by the procedure. Is there a way to output these values?

该过程编译,PL / SQL块成功运行。但我想检查过程填充的变量的值。有没有办法输出这些值?

I'm using Free TOAD if that helps.

如果有帮助,我正在使用Free TOAD。


4 个解决方案



You have a few options:


  • Log with DBMS_OUTPUT
  • 使用DBMS_OUTPUT进行日志记录

  • Log to a file using UTL_FILE
  • 使用UTL_FILE登录到文件

  • Use the Oracle debugger DBMS_DEBUG
  • 使用Oracle调试器DBMS_DEBUG

My preference is to log to a file using a fairly simple custom logging package. In my custom logging package I have a configurable flag to switch between file logging and DBMS_OUTPUT logging.


The Oracle debugging API's are quite good but you definitely need a good debugging client. Oracle SQL Developer has fairly good support for it.

Oracle调试API非常好,但你肯定需要一个好的调试客户端。 Oracle SQL Developer对它有相当好的支持。

There is also a log4plsql logger but I haven't used it.







A fourth option (the one I usually default to) also exists.....logging debugging messages to a database table. This gives you the advantage of being able to sort, query, filter your debug messages as required.


As darreljnz mentioned above, log4plsql also probably supports logging to the database. I find that 1) dbms_output has too many limitations 2) logging to a file requires too much setup, and a database restart if the utl_file_dir parameter is not already set 3) using dbms_debug without the help of a GUI is very cumbersome (but I've done it)




If you can download a copy of Oracle jDeveloper jDeveloper Home page or Oracle Visual Studio add in VS Plugin. Both are free, and allow you to debug (set breakpoint, inspect variables, ...) in PL/SQL on the db. You also need a "debug" privledge on the DB to do this. But, if you have dba rights you can grant that.

如果您可以下载Oracle jDeveloper jDeveloper主页或Oracle Visual Studio的副本,请添加VS插件。两者都是免费的,并允许您在db上的PL / SQL中调试(设置断点,检查变量,...)。您还需要在DB上执行“调试”权限才能执行此操作。但是,如果你有dba权利,你可以批准。



You have a few options:


  • Log with DBMS_OUTPUT
  • 使用DBMS_OUTPUT进行日志记录

  • Log to a file using UTL_FILE
  • 使用UTL_FILE登录到文件

  • Use the Oracle debugger DBMS_DEBUG
  • 使用Oracle调试器DBMS_DEBUG

My preference is to log to a file using a fairly simple custom logging package. In my custom logging package I have a configurable flag to switch between file logging and DBMS_OUTPUT logging.


The Oracle debugging API's are quite good but you definitely need a good debugging client. Oracle SQL Developer has fairly good support for it.

Oracle调试API非常好,但你肯定需要一个好的调试客户端。 Oracle SQL Developer对它有相当好的支持。

There is also a log4plsql logger but I haven't used it.







A fourth option (the one I usually default to) also exists.....logging debugging messages to a database table. This gives you the advantage of being able to sort, query, filter your debug messages as required.


As darreljnz mentioned above, log4plsql also probably supports logging to the database. I find that 1) dbms_output has too many limitations 2) logging to a file requires too much setup, and a database restart if the utl_file_dir parameter is not already set 3) using dbms_debug without the help of a GUI is very cumbersome (but I've done it)




If you can download a copy of Oracle jDeveloper jDeveloper Home page or Oracle Visual Studio add in VS Plugin. Both are free, and allow you to debug (set breakpoint, inspect variables, ...) in PL/SQL on the db. You also need a "debug" privledge on the DB to do this. But, if you have dba rights you can grant that.

如果您可以下载Oracle jDeveloper jDeveloper主页或Oracle Visual Studio的副本,请添加VS插件。两者都是免费的,并允许您在db上的PL / SQL中调试(设置断点,检查变量,...)。您还需要在DB上执行“调试”权限才能执行此操作。但是,如果你有dba权利,你可以批准。