
时间:2022-08-31 11:58:41

It's kinda hard to explain... Hope the question isn't vague...


you can look at the code to get the idea...



public class ClassA {
    InterA abcd;
    public void dododo() {


public class ClassB implements InterA {
    public void doit() {
        System.out.println("hoo hoo");


public class ClassC {
    public void doFromAbove() {
        ClassA cls = new ClassA();

Interface InterA.java

public interface InterA {
    public void doit();

Configuration ClassConfig.java (on the same package of other java class files)


public class ClassConfig {

Main Method

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try(AbstractApplicationContext appctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ClassConfig.class)) {
        ClassC obj = (ClassC) appctx.getBean("classc");

When I execute the main method, the Autowired field "abcd" in ClassA didn't get injected and results in a NullPointerException


It works only when I declare ClassA as a @Component and get it's bean... indirect autowiring is not happening


Should I decouple ClassA from ClassC and make everything loosely coupled?


Is there any simple annotation that I can use to tell Spring auto inject the @Autowired field even when the object is created in a tight coupled fashion?


Note please don't tell me to use ApplicationContext in ClassC to create the bean of ClassA .


Any Spring Geek who could find an answer?

任何能找到答案的Spring Geek?

5 个解决方案



The issue is in ClassC:


    ClassA cls = new ClassA();

If you invoke the constructor of ClassA like this, Spring won't do its magic. If you need an instance of ClassA with injected fields, ask Spring for an instance (using injection or getBean()).


(To avoid having null fields where injection is assumed, I recommend using constructor injection.)




After intense googling, Spring Documentation Skimming, I'm convinced there are more possible solutions to this dilemma...

经过激烈的谷歌搜索,Spring Documentation Skimming,我确信有更多可能的解决方案来应对这种困境......

Possible Solutions:

  1. Use JSR 330 Provider<T> with @Autowired
  2. 将JSR 330 Provider 与@Autowired一起使用

  3. Use FactoryBean<T> with initialization code in getObject() (but the bean returned by the factory is not spring managed and thus any autowired field in the prototype class will return NullPointerException)
  4. 将FactoryBean 与getObject()中的初始化代码一起使用(但是工厂返回的bean不是Spring管理的,因此原型类中的任何autowired字段都将返回NullPointerException)

  5. Use Lookup Method Injection(include CGLIB library)(I don't prefer this, as it modifies compiled code and sounds like it creates bean objects of Abstract classes)(Java's Purity is violated)
  6. 使用查找方法注入(包括CGLIB库)(我不喜欢这个,因为它修改了编译代码和声音,就像它创建了抽象类的bean对象)(Java的纯度被违反)

  7. Implement ApplicationContextAware interface and get the context object (not recommended)
  8. 实现ApplicationContextAware接口并获取上下文对象(不推荐)

  9. Autowire ApplicationContext and use getBean() (not recommended)
  10. Autowire ApplicationContext并使用getBean()(不推荐)

Most Subtle approach among the above is JSR330 Provider

以上最微妙的方法是JSR330 Provider


public class ClassA implements InterB {
    private static int counter=0;

    private int objectid = 0;
    InterA abcd;

    public ClassA() {
        this.objectid = ++counter;

    public void dododo() {
        System.out.println("instance number "+objectid++);


public class ClassB implements InterA {
    public void doit() {
        System.out.println("hoo hoo");



public class ClassC {

    Provider<InterB> classAPrototypeobj;

    public void doFromAbove() {
        //you can do a for loop here and get a set of objects for use
        InterB cls = (InterB) classAPrototypeobj.get();
        InterB cls1 = (InterB) classAPrototypeobj.get();

Now it works flawlessly and the initialized object is spring managed too...


Note: JSR330 dependency has to be set in maven pom.xml

注意:必须在maven pom.xml中设置JSR330依赖项




The beans declared within Spring container (either through XML or annotations like @Component) are Spring-managed - Spring will take care of them, will make sure they exist when you request them via ApplicationContext.getBean() and that their dependencies are injected as well.

在Spring容器中声明的bean(通过XML或@Component之类的注释)是Spring管理的 - Spring会处理它们,当你通过ApplicationContext.getBean()请求它们时它们会确保它们存在并且它们的依赖项被注入好。

When you create an instance yourself (cls = new ClassA()), that instance is not Spring-managed and Spring will not do anything to it. In fact, Spring won't (and cannot) even know the object exists.

当你自己创建一个实例(cls = new ClassA())时,该实例不是Spring管理的,Spring也不会对它做任何事情。实际上,Spring不会(也不可能)知道对象存在。

Some confusion may stem from that you annotate the class with the Spring annotations - but it's really objects (instances) that are actually used in Java; even if the class is annotated, the annotations will only apply on instances that are created and managed by Spring.

一些混淆可能源于您使用Spring注释对类进行注释 - 但它实际上是Java中实际使用的对象(实例);即使对类进行了注释,注释也只适用于由Spring创建和管理的实例。



You could use @Configurable if you enable load time weaving and that would make each new instance of the object a managed spring component, so the new statement you used will work.


Besides this you could create a prototype scoped bean definition and a factory bean that would reference that bean, meaning it will give you a new bean each time, so you would inject the factory and only call the get method for a new instance.




Why not use @Lookup annotation? Based on the accepted answer, I assume you require a new instance of ClassA every time in ClassC.


public class ClassA {
    InterA abcd;

    private ObjectA objA;

    private ObjectB objB;

    public ClassA(objA, objB) {
        this.objA = objA;
        this.objB = objB;

    public void dododo() {

public class ClassC {
    public void doFromAbove() {
        ClassA cls = getNewInstanceOfClassA(objA, objB);

    private getNewInstanceOfClassA(ObjectA objA, ObjectB objB) {
        //Spring creates a runtime implementation of this method
        return null;

The rest of the class implementations remain the same. I have included objA and objB in the implementation for some clarity on injecting constructor arguments.


So the main method gets a spring bean of classC and calls doFromAbove() method. This in turn calls getNewInstanceOfClassA method which returns a spring bean of type classA with the constructor arguments objA, objB. Since we annotated it as prototype bean, we get a new instance of classA every time this method is invoked. You don't need to implement getNewInstanceOfClassA method. Spring adds it's own code during the runtime.

因此main方法获取classC的spring bean并调用doFromAbove()方法。这反过来调用getNewInstanceOfClassA方法,该方法返回类型为classA的spring bean,其构造函数参数为objA,objB。由于我们将其注释为原型bean,因此每次调用此方法时都会得到一个新的classA实例。您不需要实现getNewInstanceOfClassA方法。 Spring在运行时添加了自己的代码。

Essentially your problem boils down to injecting a prototype bean in a singleton bean. Lookup annotation is the best way to solve that issue.




The issue is in ClassC:


    ClassA cls = new ClassA();

If you invoke the constructor of ClassA like this, Spring won't do its magic. If you need an instance of ClassA with injected fields, ask Spring for an instance (using injection or getBean()).


(To avoid having null fields where injection is assumed, I recommend using constructor injection.)




After intense googling, Spring Documentation Skimming, I'm convinced there are more possible solutions to this dilemma...

经过激烈的谷歌搜索,Spring Documentation Skimming,我确信有更多可能的解决方案来应对这种困境......

Possible Solutions:

  1. Use JSR 330 Provider<T> with @Autowired
  2. 将JSR 330 Provider 与@Autowired一起使用

  3. Use FactoryBean<T> with initialization code in getObject() (but the bean returned by the factory is not spring managed and thus any autowired field in the prototype class will return NullPointerException)
  4. 将FactoryBean 与getObject()中的初始化代码一起使用(但是工厂返回的bean不是Spring管理的,因此原型类中的任何autowired字段都将返回NullPointerException)

  5. Use Lookup Method Injection(include CGLIB library)(I don't prefer this, as it modifies compiled code and sounds like it creates bean objects of Abstract classes)(Java's Purity is violated)
  6. 使用查找方法注入(包括CGLIB库)(我不喜欢这个,因为它修改了编译代码和声音,就像它创建了抽象类的bean对象)(Java的纯度被违反)

  7. Implement ApplicationContextAware interface and get the context object (not recommended)
  8. 实现ApplicationContextAware接口并获取上下文对象(不推荐)

  9. Autowire ApplicationContext and use getBean() (not recommended)
  10. Autowire ApplicationContext并使用getBean()(不推荐)

Most Subtle approach among the above is JSR330 Provider

以上最微妙的方法是JSR330 Provider


public class ClassA implements InterB {
    private static int counter=0;

    private int objectid = 0;
    InterA abcd;

    public ClassA() {
        this.objectid = ++counter;

    public void dododo() {
        System.out.println("instance number "+objectid++);


public class ClassB implements InterA {
    public void doit() {
        System.out.println("hoo hoo");



public class ClassC {

    Provider<InterB> classAPrototypeobj;

    public void doFromAbove() {
        //you can do a for loop here and get a set of objects for use
        InterB cls = (InterB) classAPrototypeobj.get();
        InterB cls1 = (InterB) classAPrototypeobj.get();

Now it works flawlessly and the initialized object is spring managed too...


Note: JSR330 dependency has to be set in maven pom.xml

注意:必须在maven pom.xml中设置JSR330依赖项




The beans declared within Spring container (either through XML or annotations like @Component) are Spring-managed - Spring will take care of them, will make sure they exist when you request them via ApplicationContext.getBean() and that their dependencies are injected as well.

在Spring容器中声明的bean(通过XML或@Component之类的注释)是Spring管理的 - Spring会处理它们,当你通过ApplicationContext.getBean()请求它们时它们会确保它们存在并且它们的依赖项被注入好。

When you create an instance yourself (cls = new ClassA()), that instance is not Spring-managed and Spring will not do anything to it. In fact, Spring won't (and cannot) even know the object exists.

当你自己创建一个实例(cls = new ClassA())时,该实例不是Spring管理的,Spring也不会对它做任何事情。实际上,Spring不会(也不可能)知道对象存在。

Some confusion may stem from that you annotate the class with the Spring annotations - but it's really objects (instances) that are actually used in Java; even if the class is annotated, the annotations will only apply on instances that are created and managed by Spring.

一些混淆可能源于您使用Spring注释对类进行注释 - 但它实际上是Java中实际使用的对象(实例);即使对类进行了注释,注释也只适用于由Spring创建和管理的实例。



You could use @Configurable if you enable load time weaving and that would make each new instance of the object a managed spring component, so the new statement you used will work.


Besides this you could create a prototype scoped bean definition and a factory bean that would reference that bean, meaning it will give you a new bean each time, so you would inject the factory and only call the get method for a new instance.




Why not use @Lookup annotation? Based on the accepted answer, I assume you require a new instance of ClassA every time in ClassC.


public class ClassA {
    InterA abcd;

    private ObjectA objA;

    private ObjectB objB;

    public ClassA(objA, objB) {
        this.objA = objA;
        this.objB = objB;

    public void dododo() {

public class ClassC {
    public void doFromAbove() {
        ClassA cls = getNewInstanceOfClassA(objA, objB);

    private getNewInstanceOfClassA(ObjectA objA, ObjectB objB) {
        //Spring creates a runtime implementation of this method
        return null;

The rest of the class implementations remain the same. I have included objA and objB in the implementation for some clarity on injecting constructor arguments.


So the main method gets a spring bean of classC and calls doFromAbove() method. This in turn calls getNewInstanceOfClassA method which returns a spring bean of type classA with the constructor arguments objA, objB. Since we annotated it as prototype bean, we get a new instance of classA every time this method is invoked. You don't need to implement getNewInstanceOfClassA method. Spring adds it's own code during the runtime.

因此main方法获取classC的spring bean并调用doFromAbove()方法。这反过来调用getNewInstanceOfClassA方法,该方法返回类型为classA的spring bean,其构造函数参数为objA,objB。由于我们将其注释为原型bean,因此每次调用此方法时都会得到一个新的classA实例。您不需要实现getNewInstanceOfClassA方法。 Spring在运行时添加了自己的代码。

Essentially your problem boils down to injecting a prototype bean in a singleton bean. Lookup annotation is the best way to solve that issue.
