I am making a top-down strategy game using Vuforia and want to make transition to fps mode. The problem is that as soon as I take my camera away from image target,my environment disppears and the game freezes. I have tried changing the parent of all the objects from image target to another object,switching the camera,but no luck. This is the code that i have used to switch cameras.
void change(){
cams [c%2].GetComponent <Camera> ().enabled = false;
cams[(c+1)%2].GetComponent <Camera> ().enabled = true;
if (c % 2 == 1) {
scene.transform.parent = imageTarget.transform;
} else {
scene.transform.parent = transform;
I want to use the rotation of AR-camera as the rotation of my non-AR-camera so that user can see around in the scene by turning the AR-camera(similar to vr style but without vr headset).
Can anyone help?
1 个解决方案
My suggestion is to first of all use Extended Tracking (option under the ARCamera in your scene).
If you want to get an fps view you could enlarge all the children (objects) of your Image Target in such a way that they are close to room-scale. By doing that you don't have to switch cameras and with the Extended Tracking enabled, you can look around and view the enlarged environment.
My suggestion is to first of all use Extended Tracking (option under the ARCamera in your scene).
If you want to get an fps view you could enlarge all the children (objects) of your Image Target in such a way that they are close to room-scale. By doing that you don't have to switch cameras and with the Extended Tracking enabled, you can look around and view the enlarged environment.